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Ayla pov

Thorin was in shock while the rest were looking at me.

Gandalf appears and creates an even bigger magic blast.

I drop down and stand next to Gandalf and readying an arrow as we walk forward.

They get up and see me and Gandalf standing ready to fight.

"Take up arms," he says, "Fight."

They stand shocked.

"Fight!" I say, letting loos my arrow and hitting a goblin.

They get up and take their swords

I start killing them as the bastard starts talking while he lies on the ground.

He gets up and runs to attack Thorin.

But Nori warns Thorin, who turns and deflects the staff causing the bastard to fall to the ground.

We continue to kill them.

I remove my arrows imbedded in their skulls and re-use them.

"Follow me," says Gandalf, they start going after him and I slowly follow behind them.

They use other stuff to push them of or kill them, as I catch their arrows and use them to kill goblins.

We get on a platform and Gandalf cuts the rope, making us swing away to another edge.

"Jump," he says.

A part of the dwarves does and the other part goes back, with me on it.

When we get back to the first edge.

The goblins jump on it and we return to the others.

"Jump," I say this time.

After landing I turn and cut the rope.

We once again we begin following Gandalf, killing goblins along the way.

At one point I got separated from them, but could still see them.

I followed them while killing goblins I came across.

One of the bigger goblins stood in front of me weapon ready to strike if I came closer.

I fire an arrow at it, hitting it in the eye and it drops their weapon, grabbing their eye in pain.

I then take out my dagger and kill it, as it drops others come.

I begin running again.

Trying to find the company which I had lost while fighting the bigger goblin.

The goblins eventually cornered me and I turned to them unsheathing my sword.

They looked extremely scared at seeing my sword and some even drop their weapon backing away.

I smirked and charged at them.

As I killed them I heard the bastard's voice once again.

"You thought you could escape me " he said, his voice came from underneath me.

I quickly glanced down, while blocking an attack of one of the goblins.

Gandalf and the dwarves were standing in front of the king on some kind of bridge.

I tried to free myself from the goblins with me and get down to them.

I jumped down to a level closer to them, once again being pre-occupied with goblins.

Hobbit Thing(unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now