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Just like last time the bold him is the guy who doesn't have a name yet
I do take recommendations on what it should be in messages or here deosnt matter.

Ayla pov

Later that night.

I was walking to the dwarves to see how Bilbo was doing.

I stopped seeing what they were doing.

"Did you make a fire out of the furniture?" I asked.

They nodded.

I just took a deep breath and turned to Bilbo, "How are you finding Rivendell?" I asked.

"It's breath-taking," he said.

"I know," I said.

"Ayla why are you ears only pierced?" asked Kili.

Well I-" he interrupted me.

"There you are, you should hurry up it's already begun," he said.

"I'm coming," I said to him, before turning to Bilbo, "you should sleep," he just nodded and I walk away to him.

He wrapped his arm around me and we went to the party.


Way later in the night probably past midnight he and I ended up walking around the halls with a now empty bottle of wine.

Singing a song, we made up as we went.

We came upon Thorin and Bilbo.

"Bilbo," I say letting go of him and stumbling over to him, "How are you?" I say, hugging him.

"Uhm, I'm alright," he said looking to Thorin for help, but Thorin looked irritated as he was being poked by him.

He kept hitting his hand away, but he kept poking him.

"I think you should sleep go too," said Bilbo

"I agree," Thorin said, he walked away and Bilbo followed, gently pulling me along.

I took his hand so he wouldn't be left behind, they brought us to the other dwarves Thorin walking in front of us all.

Once we got there I let go of Bilbo and walked to my bag almost tripping over the other dwarves and falling in the fire.

"Oops," I giggled to myself, sort of half asleep.

I walked to my bag, taking off my shirt in the process and throwing it to the side.

I opened my bag and took out another shirt I'd stolen, since the previous one had wine on it.

I then took out another shirt for him and threw it at him, it hit him in the face and he stumbled from shock, landing on his ass.

I laughed at him, while I took off my wine stained shirt and put on the clean one shirt.

It had been silent the whole time, but I hadn't noticed.

"Ayla where is the dirty shirt?" Asked Bilbo.

I pointed at the ground near my bag, "There," I said, not noticing that I slipped into Elvish.

He went over to it and I laid down on the ground, I quickly fell asleep unaware of the stares directed at me.

the next morning

I, once again, woke up to the dwarves, and Bilbo, getting ready to leave.

"Good morning," Bilbo said to me.

Hobbit Thing(unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now