Christmas Special!!! Part 1

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(Omakey) Storyline - The Magic Bloodline Hairbrush Tradition - Silver & Bloodline Magic

                                                                       *Narrator's POV*

Haven Rosella Prince was on her way to the great hall for lunch. As it was a Saturday, there were no classes. Ron and Hermione were off somewhere which she didn't mind as they were both becoming overbearingly atrocious in their want to control every single thing she said and or did. They were lying about everything and she didn't trust many people anymore. As she entered the hall, she saw that not many people were there yet. She looked and saw that the Grypphindors moved away from her as she sat down. Sighing, she took a green apple from the food in front of her and looked at it in thought.

The only one who has never lied to her, she realized...was Draco Malfoy. Looking up, she turned her gaze to the Slytherin table, her bright green eyes immediately finding the stormy silver eyes of the young Malfoy. She motioned for him to follow her as she discarded the apple and left the hall. Confused, yet intrigued, the Malfoy made an excuse to his friends and followed her out a few minutes later.

*Draco's POV*

I looked up from Pansy's rambling when the hall doors opened. In walked Potter without the other 2/3 of her Golden Trio. She looks rather pale and upset.

She seems almost angry. I watched as the other Grypphindors immediately moved away from her as she sat down, I wonder what that's about. she picked up a green apple, huh, I guess her tastes aren't as horrible as I thought, she stared at it for a moment before she looked up and our eyes locked. She motioned for me to follow her out as she discarded the apple and left the hall. I stood up and made an excuse to my friends before leaving the hall after her. Once in the hall, Potter grabbed my wrist and lead me to around a few hidden passages up into the 7th floor across from a portrait of Barnabas the Barmy.

She walked back and forth in front of it a few times and a door appeared. We entered the room and the door disappeared.

"Alright Potter, I came with you with no questions asked and no struggle, what in Merlin's name was that?" I asked, confused.

We sat on a couch that appeared and she turned to me answering, "This is the come-and-go room or the ROR, room of requirement. Entering this room will turn into anything you want, you just have to think of it. You can make it so the room locks and the door disappears so that no one else can enter while you're in the room and you can't take anything out of this room. Anyway, I brought you here because I wanted to talk to you."

"About what?" I questioned.

"Lately I found out some things that are rather unsettling. Most everyone that I've ever trusted is liars and most everyone I've ever hated, well I actually care about them. Dumbledore, Ron, Hermione, and most of the Light have been lying about everything. I went to Gringotts and had to get a full magical purge to get all of the potions and spells off. I took my ladyships and heirships so I'm protected now but there's something I haven't done yet."

She stopped for a moment and took in a shaky breath.

"Do you know what my biggest regret is?" She asked.

Confused, I shook my head and motioned for her to elaborate.

"My biggest regret was refusing to take your hand in the first year."

My eyes widened at that. Out of everything that's ever happened to her, her biggest regret was not taking my hand when I had first offered it?

"Why?" I asked.

"Did you know that out of everyone I know, out of everyone I've ever spoken to, that you're the only one who has never lied to me?" She asked with a sad look.

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