Chapter Eight

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Shadow darted under the Charizard, making his small size at advantage. He raked his claws all over his leg, creating long, bloody gashes. 

The Charizard growled in pain. He lifted Shadow up and sliced his claws over Shadow's right eye three times. Shadow dreadfully felt his eye fall out and his right eye vision clouded with blood.

"How dare you!" Shadow snarled. He leaped onto the Charizard's front talons and bit into one, and with a jerk, ripped one off. 

As Shadow tried to leap down, the Charizard grabbed Shadow by the leg and slashed his back, leaving long cuts all over it. He also ripped Shadow's ears and tail is multiple places.

Shadow managed to get out of the Charizard's clutch. 

Shadow climbed up the Charizard's neck, blood flying from his pelt, and Shadow tore into the Charizard's neck with his teeth and claws. And with a horrible tearing sound, the Charizard's head fell off and the Charizard's body fell with a thud, blood pouring out of it.

Shadow stood 

The Tale of Love and Hate: Shadow the UmbreonWhere stories live. Discover now