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This story is about a green-haired boy who faced many challenges in his small life. It begins with his mother and father. Inko Midoriya and Hisashi Midoriya.

They fell in love once they both graduated from high school, Inko went to school to become a nurse and Hisashi never truthfully said what he did. Inko believed he wanted to become an accountant, having to leave Japan to work in the U.S.A. Inko received money from him, causing her to not have to work as he made more money than was needed.

However, before Hisashi left, the two conceived a child. Hisashi decided to leave the country even knowing a child was on the way.

Inko was saddened but decided it was for the best.

Though, her feelings for the man began to falter.

The child was born in July. Inko named the child Izuku who was a boy.

Raising the boy was hard as a 'single' parent. Luckily, her good friend Mitsuki Bakugo was happy to help. Already having a male child in April, they both agreed to have the two kids play together when Mitsuki was over.

After that, life was good. Izuku was a sweet adorable boy with fluffy curly green hair. Mitsuki's child, Katsuki loved being with Izuku. Protecting him from the littlest of things.

They played every single day growing up, though that changed when they both turned four.

Izuku wasn't showing any signs of a quirk. The only thing that made Inko question it was seeing Izuku's hair grow insanely long. The green hair reached down to his hips. Izuku always seemed to have loved it. Inko tried a few times to cut it but every time Izuku would cry and if she was successful, the hair would turn to a dark brown. A few strands of hair were brown, but that was masked behind all the green curls.

Because of that, Inko went to the doctors asking about the hair. The doctors said it was just unbalanced genes in the hair.

Besides, Izuku loved the hair. Katsuki learnt from Inko how to brush hair and how to braid it. Every time they saw each other, Katsuki would braid it.

Eventually, Katuski's quirk appeared. Explosion. Katsuki's personality changed as well. He would act rude and very arrogant.

Luckily, Katsuki still treated Izuku very kindly.

They still bonded over heroes. Izuku absolutely adored heroes. He would spend hours talking about them.

Once Izuku turned four, Inko and Izuku went to the quirk doctors. Izuku was hoping he had a quirk related to his long hair which was now down to his knees.

In the end, the doctor announced Izuku had a quirk. Healing Hair.

The doctor explained the quirk can heal others. Though, they didn't know what caused the quirk to occur. They tried using the hair on a few bruises Izuku got from playing, but nothing happened.

Inko decided to leave, for now, they would come back once they figured out how to trigger the healing abilities. Izuku didn't lose hope,

Right when he got home, he called Katsuki. Katsuki and Mitsuki came over to celebrate the quirk news. The two boys spent a while trying to figure out how to use the quirk.

After many failed attempts, they figured it out. Izuku needed to sing a song for the quirk to activate.

They figured it out when they grew tired and began to watch a few hero-themed movies. One of them was a musical. Not caring who heard him, he sang the opening song. Little did he know, everyone around him gasped. Izuku's already long hair lit up to a bright neon green. A bruise Katsuki had was healed in a matter of seconds. Izuku was oblivious to it as his eyes were closed for most of the song.

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