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"When the wicked are in authority, sin flourishes, but the godly will live to see their downfall."

Proverbs 29:16

"Master, lend me your power," Shigaraki asked AFO.

"Master? Heh. So, you're just a sidekick," Bakugo stated, smirking.

"Actually, I think we should recruit this brat. I think I remember him from the Sports Festival two years ago. He was the one who couldn't be tamed. Untie him!" Shigaraki demanded.

After being untied, "There's just no way in hell I'd ever join this stupid club of yours."

There was a knock at the door suddenly and a big explosion breaking the wall down. As I heard the explosion I ran out of the room and toward Katsuki and grabbed his arm, "We need to get out of here, now!" Endeavor blasted through the side of the building.

"Kurogiri! GATE!" Shigaraki said over the noise to his companion next to him.

I pulled Katuski's arm so that he could follow me to the back but as Pro Hero Kamui Woods captured everyone we stopped and looked around. We were saved in just an instant...or so I thought.

"You have nowhere to run, so don't even try it, League of Villains," Endeavor said.

"Right after the press conference? They had this ruse planned the whole time!" Compress said.

"Tree man! You're hugging me too tight! Harder!" Twice shouted.

"One tends to neglect defense when they're on the offense. But we didn't come alone. Take a look, you're surrounded by police. Not to mention powerful heroes, including UA High's teachers," Edgeshot slid inside from the door they initially used as a ruse to gather the attention of the villains.

"Were you children, scared? You both are safe, now." Endeavor asked Katsuki and me as he stood in front of me, protecting me.

"WHAT?! I WASN'T SCARED! NOT EVEN CLOSE!" Bakugo shouted at him and the heroes in there.

"Kurogiri! Warp as many over as you can!" Shigaraki shouted.

"The Nomu, right?" Edgeshot asked.

"What are you waiting for dammit?!" Shigaraki.

"I'm sorry, Tomura Shigaraki. The Nomus were supposed to be in a fixed location but...they're gone!"

"Enough is enough, Tomura Shigaraki. You've put these children through enough!" Endeavor shouted.

"You think it's over? Don't be stupid. It's not over until All Might is dead,"

"Y/n!" Dabi shouted, it seemed more like he begged for me not to leave him.

"Shigaraki, where is All for One! Tell us now!"

"No, this is not over! I HATE YOU!" Shigaraki shouted and suddenly nomus appeared in the middle of this building out of thin air. Kurogiri was out, Edgeshot put him to sleep.

"What the hell?! "What the crap?!" Bakugo and I were both experiencing this black smokey fluid coming out of our bodies, taking us whole.

"BAKUGO! Y/n!" Endeavor shouted trying to get us out of that smoke, but we were separated from the heroes and teleported to a different location.

Bakugo and I coughed, "Dammit! The hell?!" As we landed in the new location, I fell to the ground and coughed out all that black liquid, Bakugo stood up, in front of a man.

"Father...?" I looked up, my eyes dilated at the sight of my father for the first time in years, almost bringing tears to my eyes, not out of joy, but of pure terror.

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