Chapter 6: A Day at Home with Mom

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It had been almost two weeks since the drowning accident and Meredith was finally being released from the hospital. Sienna was overly happy to have the woman 'at home' with her.

Derek and Sienna had just moved into Meredith's house a week earlier, and Sienna was happily prancing around. But everyone knew she wouldn't be her normal self until Meredith was home.

As the young doctor signed her discharge papers, Sienna was next to her, holding her hand, and smiling brightly. She was ready for mommy to come home

After the last signature, Sienna was lifted by Meredith, very slowly, and she gently layed her head on her mother's shoulder. Walking through the hospital, Meredith ensures everyone that she passes that she is indeed going home.

Making it to her car, she gently places the small Shepard into her car seat, which is covered in stickers and glitter. Sienna had a collection going on

Meredith wasn't much of a cook, but she was learning for the small child in the back. She knew Sienna was going to need proper nutrition, and she would be the one to give it to her.

As Meredith pulled up to her childhood home, she realized that this could possibly be the one Sienna grows up in as well, with a whole new set of wear and tear added to the house.

As the two got in, Sienna headed straight for the living room, and started to play with her dolls. Meredith went into the kitchen and started on lunch.

Making chicken parm, Meredith calls the young child to eat. "Sienna! Foods ready sweetie" as Sienna sits next to her surrogate mother, she lays Anatomy Jane on the table and climbs into her booster set that's placed in her chair.

As much as she hates to admit it, she still needs one. Meredith encourages the child to use it, and even helped her put stickers all over it with Cristina weeks earlier.

To make her feel even better, Alex Karev got a booster seat made for the doll. It was at that moment that Derek Shepherd knew the group of interns would be good for his daughter.


Later on that day, everyone came home. Despite their hectic day, Alex and Cristina were showing Sienna how to ride on roller skates- they promised that morning to show her- and Sienna was catching on quickly.

Since the outburst that Izzy Steven's had against the small child, Meredith had kicked her out, explaining that there was no way she trusted the woman around the small child. Meredith was scared danger would come to Sienna, she knew Izzy was crazy.

"Look at me, daddy! I'm skating! I got the hang of it!" As Derek shepherd watches his daughter laugh with Alex Karev, and Cristina Yang, he knows they are a good fit. "Skate to C, Sienna. Let's see if you can do it all by yourself."

Nodding to Alex Karev, the young Shepherd lets go of his hand and skates towards her aunt. Hearing George and Meredith cheer her on, just gives the small child much more confidence. "I'm doing it! I'm doing it!"

Meredith was secretly recording the whole afternoon on an old video recorder. These were the moments she knew they would look back on and need. "Don't grow up too fast Madelynn Sienna Shepherd, love Mer Mer"


Bedtime came around quickly

Sienna was exhausted, she had so much fun with everyone today, and she ate a balanced lunch and dinner. Meredith was proud of how the day went.

There was a new routine in place at Mer's house. Sienna got to pick what book was read to her nightly, and who read to her before Meredith and Derek would come in and sing her to sleep.

Tonight, she wanted Alex and George to read her a bedtime story. "You see, there once was this guy, name Lex, and he had these rare color eyes, and people didn't like that about him." Stopping the story, Sienna had a question. "Why not? Differences make us, unique A, that's what you taught me"

"It is, I'm glad you remembered. But you see, in this town, they didn't want to be different. They wanted to all go by the status quote"

"What's that Georgie?" Tucking the little girl in, "the status quote is when you all look the same, and stick to what people tell you, you should do." Nodding her head, Sienna didn't really understand what her uncles were trying to tell her, she was too young.

"The moral of the story, is to be yourself, and never be what anyone else wants you to be. Your perfect the way you are. Your hair, your eyes, your smile, and especially your skin. Okay kiddo" hugging her uncles, Sienna sends them a big, "always, it makes me unique!"

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