Chapter 13: No Good Father

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Mark was beyond pissed

The way Derek moved around Sienna, as if she was nothing to them, had his blood boiling. Sienna is so precious to this world, and what she just witnessed was very traumatic.

Finding Addison and Miranda, "Do either one of you know where her bag is? She's gotta be showered and changed pronto."

Miranda, grabbing the bag and heading with Mark, asked no questions. She knew all would be revealed at a point. "Saved life, saved life."

Mark, holding onto the small child tighter, "That's right baby, you saved a life today, papa is so proud of you, meme is as well."

Addison, completely shocked that her precious daughter is covered in blood, heads to find someone who was in Izzie Steven's room seeing that her daughter is in the hands of her godparents.

Addison couldn't believe that the one place her daughter was supposed to be safe at all times, with a team of doctors around her, happened to also be a place where she now holds a traumatic experience.

As Mark and Miranda made it to the attending's room, they kicked everyone out before following protocol with cleaning Sienna.

She wasn't just some patient they had to change, she was their godchild. They keep telling her words of affirmation, and making sure she was okay. After getting her cleaned and into a fresh outfit, Miranda did two braids in her hair.

Mark kissed Sienna's forehead, "Papa will be right back baby, okay? I won't be more than a few minutes." Nodding his head to Miranda, she takes Sienna to her office, and Mark leaves to handle business.

Finding Derek charting with Olivia, he can't help but go off on both, "Have you people lost your minds! Did you not see how frightened Sienna was in that room? And why the hell did it take someone so long to get in there? Especially since you're supposed to be watching her room at all times Olivia? I don't even wanna talk about how you completely ignored your daughter going into that room! Don't think she won't remember who did what Derek! Both you as well as everyone else who went in that room should be ashamed of yourselves! She's the sole reason Izzy is still breathing."

After his big speech, Mark leaves no room for Derek, or anyone else for that matter to say anything. He heads to Miranda's office and stays with Sienna for the rest of the day. "Papa's always got you, sweetie, always."


A Few Days Later

It's now the day of Sienna's first softball game.

Lately, she's only wanted to be around her mom and godparents. After what happened with Izzy, she didn't want to be around the hospital either.

Sienna's been trying to stay positive around others, but she's been having horrible dreams at night.

Addison hasn't been getting any sleep, attending to her daughter's every need through the day and night. Derek, who wasn't allowed in the house in the first place now isn't allowed in any circumstances.

While he cannot be fully blamed, he was trying to save Izzy, but he should have also been looking out for his daughter.

At the game, as promised to the sweet little girl, we're Alex, Miranda, Christina, Meredith, Mark, Richard and Adele, little and big Tuck, of course, Addison, and somehow Derek.

He sat alone, away from everyone else and their opinions of him. But he made a promise to Sienna about her first game, and he couldn't miss it no matter what led up to this.

As the teams came out, Sienna looked over for her family, finding them, she sent a big wave and smile before yelling out each of their names.

She didn't see her father, and it didn't bother her at the moment. Her best friend was there

This was the happiest that Sienna had felt since coming to Seattle, who knew how long it would last

"You ready Baby Shepard?"

"Yes, Coach! Born Ready!"

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