Chapter 5: Ucky Feeling

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Two Weeks Later:

It was time to get up and head to the hospital. But, Sienna refuses to move from the bed. She has a bad feeling about today. "Daddy, it's a ucky feeling day. Call mer and let's stay home"

But, of course, Derek wasn't having any of it today. "Sienna, we have to go baby. Nothing bad is going to happen today"

"You don't know that daddy, you're not God"


Not too far from them, Cristina was having the same trouble getting Meredith out of the bed. "It's not a good day. Something bad is gonna happen. What if I die?" Pausing, the Asian woman looks to the green eyed one, "you'll be fine. Now, hurry up and get ready so we can head to work. Then you can see Sienna"


Not long after everyone got to Seattle Grace, there was an accident reported. "There's a ferry boat accident downtown, Shepherd, you might as well stay down here. We're gonna be swamped."

Looking up at her father, Sienna taps his nose, "we love the ferry's daddy. Do I have to go to Daycare today? I wanna see ferry's?"

Kissing the top of his daughters head, Derek informs Bailey that he will be back after taking Sienna up, "yes sweetheart, you have to go up. But, we can have breakfast for dinner tonight with Mer Mer. How does that sound?"

Nodding eagerly, "okay, deal."


Not long after Meredith, Alex, Bailey, and Izzie went out to the accident, Things we're going bad.

Izzie had a patient who needed burr holes, but Derek was around to give instructions. Mark quickly thought of his goddaughter, "I'll get Sienna, hold on Steven's"

Once Sienna knew she was needed, the small child was ready to help. "I'll help Izzie, even though she doesn't like me" Richard and Mark share a look, "okay Izzie, you have to go four up from the center of the ear. Then, make first hole"

"Okay, how far do I go?" Playing with her godfathers name tag, "daddy always says that you'll know. You'll feel it in your soul. Make a whole on the opposite side. Then, make one at the center of the head, six inches from the forehead."

It was quiet for a moment, Sienna was afraid of Izzie messing up, she had told the woman exactly what to do. It was up to her know to do it correctly. "Okay, I'm in! He's waking up!"

"Great, now put something over the open parts and hop on a ambalamb"

Mark picks up Sienna and spins her around, "Princess we've discussed this, that's not how you say ambulance. But I'll let you slide this time, since your so darn cute."


When Meredith was rolled in, it was as if time stopped for everyone. Mark, who still had Sienna on his hip, got a nine one one from the pit. Thinking he just needed to do so sutures or help out in ortho, he brought little Shepard with him.

Opening the door to the room, he did not expect to see Meredith Grey on the stretcher, cold and blue. "Mommy! Mommy!" It was of time stopped once again; Derek looked at Mark like he could kill him. "Sloan! Get her out of here! I need the paddles" Miranda was trying to be there for her Goddaughter, but she had to tend to the child's surrogate mother.

"Take her to Denny Dukates room" Mark handed Sienna off to Olivia, a known nurse at Seattle Grace. "C'mon my apple jakes" it was common name that the nurses had given Sienna after they found out about her love for the cereal.

Making it to Denny's room, Denny was concerned for the child, "I told daddy this was a ucky day" as the child was placed next to the man in the bed, Olivia left for a while and came back with snacks. "Tanta Livvy" eating the plain potato chips, Sienna tries to focus on the cartoons playing on Denny's television. "I hope mommy is okay, I love her"


Two hours later, Cristina came into Denny's room to retrieve the child. Meredith was doing better, but she was still very cold. At this time, Sienna was asleep on Denny's right side. She knew he had a heart problem, so she could always cuddle on the opposite side of his heart.

Izzie was coming in to give the man company. When they both walked in, they saw a very cute sight. Cristina took many pictures, she knew that Denny didn't have much longer, she snapped a photo as well.

Gently grabbing the child and waking the man, Cristina tells them goodbye before leaving with Sienna. "Where's mommy? I wanna see mommy. Is that where we go?"

Sighing, Cristina gives in to Sienna seeing her, "she's really sleepy though, and cold. But you can cuddle with her" They had a feeling, they both had a feeling and now, Meredith was unconscious and cold.

Taking the young Shepard into the room, Everyone looks to Cristina Yang like she's crazy. But, Cristina disregards their looks. Placing the child on Meredith's chest, Sienna wraps her arms around Meredith's neck; laying her head in the crook of her neck. "Mommy"

Derek, was biting back a sob. Seeing both the woman he loves and his daughter in such a vulnerable moment, he couldn't handle it.

Before he could leave the room, Miranda Bailey announced something that she had never seen before. Something she had only heard about from other doctors as they relived the story.

"Her stats are coming up. She's getting warmer. She feels Sienna, Shepard don't you dare walk out of this room." Sienna heard this, and started to sing the song she adored for Meredith to sing to her. "From here, to the moon, and back. Who else in this world, would love you like that."

It wasn't an instant thing, but an hour later, Meredith Grey opened her eyes, And was met with the chocolate ones of the little girl she loved with every fiber in her body. "Hi Sienna, are you giving me cuddles?"

Laughing, Sienna pages Richard Weber and hits the nurses button above Meredith's head. "I give you lots of cuddle, C said you were cold and really sleepy. You were blue mommy, cold and blue" placing Sienna back into her chest, "I'm okay now, mommy's okay now."

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