Chapter 4: Starting Over

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Starting over was extremely hard for Sienna. Making friends her age is something that came easy, but she always felt very self-conscious around them. Being with doctors and nurses is exactly what Sienna is accustomed to, and it's all she knows.

Just as Meredith was secretly checking on Chief Richard Webber's niece, there was a daycare worker bringing Sienna down to the ER.

Sienna had hit one of the other children

Of course, there was a good reason behind it. Another small child upstairs by the name of Alex had pulled very hard on Sienna's twists.

Derek has taught Sienna at a young age to never let anyone touch her hair beside him, and a few other people. So, of course, Sienna meant business.

The daycare provider had Sienna on her hip, with her book bag over the opposite shoulder. Sienna was very quiet, afraid of being yelled at by her mother or father.

It seemed odd to Sienna when Ms. Riley went into the room where Meredith was attending to a patient. But, the small child kept quiet. "Dr. Grey, I've been told to bring Sienna to you."

"Sienna, baby what's wrong" and just like that, the tears started to form. "I'm sorry Mer, I was just fending myself."

Taking the child, Meredith kisses her forehead and brings her into a warm hug. Forgetting all bout the Webbers', Meredith demands for Riley to explain what happened.

Afterward, Adele is the first to speak up for the child. "And have you brought the other little boy to his parents? Because if not, Chief Webber will be brought aware that the children here are not
Being treated fair."  If it's one thing Adele won't stand for, it's someone messing with Sienna.

After the daycare worker swore that the other child was also being taken to his parents, she left in a hurry. Sienna finally noticed Adele, and waved her small hand to her. "Hi Mimi"

Meredith held onto the child tightly. "I'm sorry Adele, I know we wanted this to stay secret, but I need more hands now that Sienna is down here. She needs me. She's my first priority."

"Never apologize for doing this Meredith. She needs you. Sienna needs her mother." Sienna's breathing slowly starts to calm down; and she falls asleep. Meredith stayed with Adele until Richard and Cristina came down.

After explaining everything, Cristina and Meredith walked to find Derek. Alex stayed to work the case. "Mer, it still hurts." As Sienna shows Meredith which plat was pulled on, Meredith is glad that there's no hair loss, for the sake of everyone.

Finding out that both Derek, Mark, and Addison are all in surgery together, Meredith makes the decision to go into the gallery and talk to Derek. "Derek, how much longer do you have in surgery? There's been an incident"

As Derek sees Sienna tightly in Meredith's arms, he's quick to wonder, "what's wrong? And why is Sienna with you and not in daycare" this caught the attention of Addison, who glances up at Meredith before fishing her part of the surgery.

"A little boy pulled Sienna's hair in daycare. She fought back, and they brought her to me. I've given her children's Tylenol since she's complaining about a headache and a sore neck."

It was at this time that Sienna spoke up, "Sorry Daddy" Derek was fuming, but he wasn't mad at Sienna. "You did nothing wrong baby, Daddy's not upset with you; Daddy's upset with the little boy who pulled your beautiful hair"


Meredith gave all her patients and her surgery away. She didn't want to leave Sienna the way she was always left. It was clear that Sienna was not letting go of Meredith anytime soon anyways.

Around lunchtime, Meredith and Cristina were sitting with Sienna. You could easily see how traumatic this was for Sienna. She was scared for certain people to touch her, or even talk to her.

Addison came into the cafeteria as Alex Karev was walking up to Sienna. Sienna punched Alex in the arm, "sorry A, I punch you for other Alex hitting me. I feel so much better now." Turning her body a whole 360, "can I have cookie mommy?"

"Of course you can Sienna. What kind would you like?" Meredith was shocked to hear Sienna call her mommy, but she wasn't gonna show it. Addison, however, was not having it today.

Storming over to the table as Meredith was feeding the cookie to Sienna. "I am tired of this! She is my daughter! Mine! Not anyone else's!" By this time, Sienna had her faced hurried deep into Meredith's neck, she was also holding onto her tight. "Addison you need to calm down! You're scaring her"

"She's already afraid of me, why not add something else to it"


Derek was in a meeting with the parents of the little boy. It seemed that his parents didn't care that he pulled Sienna's hair, they only cared about being pulled from surgery.

"There's something to worry about here. And it's you two teaching your son how to treat others, as well as not to touch black hair! My daughter's hair is her crown, and if he EVER touches it again, there will be more to worry about than him having a black eye, and you can tell anyone I said that"

Before the parents could utter another word, Derek was up and out of the room.


"She's not afraid of you Addison, she's just scared of how you've been acting lately." Laughing, Addison shakes her head, "okay sure. Let's go, Sienna, we've got a flight to catch."

Sienna made no move to let go of Meredith. Pulling her head out of Meredith's neck, a teary-eyed Sienna looked at Addison. "I'm not going with you Addy, I'm staying here."

And just like that, Addison Montgomery Shepard left Seattle Grace without a child, or husband.

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