Chapter 37: Her Fault...

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The next day:

Maeve's POV:

I was looking around for ages for house in my price range yesterday and couldn't find any so Olivia offered for me to stay with her until I find a place.

"Hey" I heard someone say dully as I was packing my clothes into suitcases, I turned to see Parker stood at my door, "Hey" I smiled. "I heard your moving out" "Who hasn't" i replied.

"Are you sure this is the right thing to do, what about the baby's safety and Jeremiah"

"Parker I'm moving out for the baby's safety and Jeremiah is free to visit whenever he wants and that won't change"

"What about me?!" Parker shouted angrily all of a sudden, "I don't want to do this right now Parker" I replied turning to face back to my clothes again, "Do everyone a favour and don't come back this time!" Parker shouted again before storming back out the door as i sighed carrying on folding my clothes then belongings.

Later that evening:

After Parker's visit I didn't really see anyone as I was busy clearing out my clothes and other stuff into the car, as I was carrying the last box down the stairs I felt the weight lift out of my hands as i turned to see Jeremiah holding the box for me, he didn't do anything but walk down the stairs quickly and to my car.

"Thanks" I spoke quietly as he placed my final box in the car, "I wish you didn't have to thank me for helping you to move out" Jeremiah spoke not looking at me. "Jeremiah" I said quietly as I went to hold his arm but he just shrugged it off. "Don't" he said harshly.

"Don't touch me, your taking our child away from me because you don't think I'm a suitable parent!"

"Don't see it like that!" I shouted back.

"There's no other way to see it! You decided to leave me in this." Jeremiah spoke with disgust. "If that's how you want to see it, so be it." I spoke holding back the tears before getting into the car and slamming the door, "Where are you going?" Jeremiah spoke holding onto the window ledge, "I'm leaving" "You said you were leaving this evening" Jeremiah spoke, "I guess I changed my mind" I said before starting the engine and leaving before Jere could cut back in.

As I drove to Olivia's I wiped away the tears threatening to spill from eyes as I pulled up at Olivia's.

When I walked in I put down the box Jeremiah had carried for me to see I note fall out of the box when I took out some of my belongings. I picked up the note reading an address which said when you get there the code to the key is 7659 which confused me but surely enough I took all the boxes in and started unpacking ignoring the note.

After 1 box I was already tired and decided to go to the address on the note out of curiosity, when driving up to the address I passed Jeremiah's mansion and drove a little further to find a house with the same address confusing me but still going and parking to hear silence.

When walking to the door I rang the doorbell to which I got no response so decided to try the code.

Once putting in the code the panel next to the code dropped open revealing a key which i assumed was for the house, I wondered whether or not to go in as it may be someone's house but at still went in to the house.

When walking in I was instantly in view of a massive opening with 2 marble staircases leading upstairs while one huge door was an opening to the living room while straight ahead led you straight into the kitchen.

"Hello?" I shouted wondering if anyone was home, to which I got no response. I pulled out my phone dialling Olivia's number to wonder if she knew anything about this.

It rang a few times before she picked up "Hello?" I asked "Maeve? Is everything okay? Your boxes are here but your not" Olivia said confusingly. "Do you know anything about a house with the code 7659?" I asked in a rush ignoring her last question. "No, Maeve are you okay?" Olivia replied, "That's so weird" I said. "I'm going to put Jeremiah on the phone" Olivia said to which I heard her walk to another room while I repeatedly said not to and pass the phone to I assume Jeremiah.

"Maeve?" I heard him over the phone say.


"Is everything okay? Olivia said you sound worried"

"I'm fine, but did you give me the note with the house address on?" I asked

"Yes" he replied shortly.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's your house" Jeremiah replied which shocked me.

"What?" I asked shortly, "I got you a house, is something wrong?" Jeremiah asked, "The fact you got me a house alone is wrong" i spoke back, "Do you not like it?" "What? Of course I like it but I said I was going to find a house myself" I said. "If you like it what's wrong? Have the house" Jeremiah spoke missing my point to which I just gave up on. "Okay, Thank you" I spoke quietly. "Your welcome" Jeremiah said, as I was about to end the phone call Jeremiah spoke, "Maeve?" "Yes" "Will I see you soon?" Jeremiah asked sounding sad. "Your free to come round anytime you want I mean it is your house" I chuckled but Jeremiah didn't.

"Let me rephrase, do you want to see me?" Jeremiah asked, "Yes, your my fiancé and soon to be father of course I want to see you" I spoke honestly to which I heard Jeremiah sigh in relief, "That's reminds me, have we got a wedding date?" I asked Jeremiah. "I think it will be next month" Jeremiah' responded. "Okay, I better go and unpack, thank you" I spoke, "Of course, goodbye Maeve" Jeremiah spoke giving me butterflies, "Goodbye Jeremiah" I replied as I ended the call and headed to my car to go and get my stuff for this house.

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