Chapter 22: Falling...

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After Noah but me to bed I couldn't sleep it was only 8pm and all I wanted to do was see everyone even though I knew they didn't want to see me.

The house was a lot quieter than it usually was, there was no laughter of the boys playing cards in the living room or chatter from the girls it was just silent. It made me feel on edge. I was waiting for someone to come and see me I mean maybe they just didn't want to see me.

I hadn't seen Kenzie since she was born and it's been over 3 months since I last saw them all. I wanted to cry thinking about the time I could've spent with them but I decided long ago that, that wasn't me anymore I didn't want to be sat around crying I wanted to be going to the gym and fighting.

As I laid on my side, I heard the door open and close, knowing someone was in here I turned to see Hailey walking to sit over on the chair next to me. I smiled at her but she didn't return it but that wasn't unexpected.

"Where have you been?" Hailey said harshly "I'm sorry okay" I said sitting up and resting against the headboard. "No you don't get to act like this!, like this isn't a big deal. You left knowing everyone was already upset and tired but of course! if the attention is off you for even a second you have to pull a stunt like this and have everyone looking for you. Half of the men missed Harry's funeral because of you, including Jeremiah!" She shouted letting her anger that I knew she had been building up.

"I did this for you guys! I said don't look for me but none of you idiots seem to get this message!" I shouted back being tired of told what to do and shouted at. "Jeremiah's been drunk nearly every night, he doesn't speak to anyone and if he does it's about you being gone or if they've found any information on you. Nobody's seen him in weeks" Hailey shouted back.

"What do you mean?" I said lowering my voice, "He took off 2 months after you left! He couldn't do it anymore, live in the same house you were in and know that you left him to fuck another guy!" She shouted. "What the hell are you talking about!" I shouted back in anger.

"Oh yeah the whole mafia knows, while we were all out searching for you, you were partying at a night club and fucking a stranger!" Hailey stood up shouting. "Where's Jeremiah!" I said standing up in pain as I did so. "Don't act like you fucking care Maeve or should I say Bella." Hailey said and by know I knew for a fact that the whole house had heard.

All of a sudden I heard Grayson's voice from outside. "Hailey will you go to Kenzie she's thrown up." Grayson said sounding tired. Hailey looked at me with death stares and left the room as Grayson entered.

"If your head to shout at me know your fiancé already did" I said walking slowly to my closet as it hurt. "Actually wife now but you wouldn't know would you because you left for another guy." Grayson said making my heart clench knowing I had missed so much.

"Where's Jeremiah?" I said knowing he would know. "On his way here, after Colton heard you got run over by a car he managed to convince Jeremiah to come back, I don't why Jeremiah bothers I would have left your ass a long time ago" "You think I want to be here? I had a life but of course I got taken out of it for the second time because Jeremiah can't help but wreck my life when something good is actually happening." I said as Grayson shook his head mumbling 'pathetic' under his breath before leaving my room, making me alone once again.

I quickly tried distracting myself from what had just happened, I walked into the bathroom removing the hospital gown I was once in to see bruises all along my stomach, legs and arms along with a massive bandage along ribs.

Instead of a shower I grabbed a cloth wiping my body as leant over the shower to do my hair. I let the tears slowly fall as I looked at myself in the mirror while putting my clothes on. Wearing a tight long sleeve top with black short shorts. Why can't these people just leave me alone? If they hated me so much why bring me back again?

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