Chapter 21: A New Beginning...

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Jeremiah's POV:               (By the way this is from when he woke up the day Maeve left)

I woke up to an empty bed which at first I thought Maeve had just gone to the bathroom so I went to see her and check if she was okay but it was empty. I turned around to leave however my eyes caught a glimpse of a letter on the night stand.

I walked over reading the letter: (reminder of letter)


Please don't come looking for me, I want everyone including you to move on, forget about me. I want you to find a woman your in utter love with, have her children and raise them to be just like you.

I'm not doing this because I want to leave, I'm doing this because i need to leave. When you brought me here I hated everyone, and I despised you more but these people became my best friends, you became my only love.

But with deep thought I remember I've put you all through more pain than 3 lifetimes.

The pain will ease, one day it won't hurt anymore. Please, forget about me to start a new life.


I looked at it in shock at what I had just red, s-she left me? Without thinking I ran downstairs not caring how much noise I make and was shouting Maeve's name, I looked round the house everywhere and at this point everyone was starting to come down.

"What's going on you've woken the baby" Grayson said at the top of the stairs while rubbing his eyes. "Maeve she's gone" I said say up against the wall containing my emotions. "What? What do you mean?!" Grayson said walking down to me while taking the letter out of my hand.

"What's wrong?" Colton asked walking down to Grayson. "Call all men, Maeve's left" Grayson replied to which Coltons face was shocked. I hadn't said anything just sat against the wall, "Where do you think she's gone?" Colton said changing his emotion to coldness. "I don't know but if we look for her now we have a better chance of finding her." Grayson said to Colton as Parker, Louis, Camila, Wesley, Noah, Lucas, and Hailey with the baby came down to see what was happening.

"What's happened?" Louis said sternly. "Where's Maeve?!" Parker said sounding a bit panicked but covering it up with coldness as well. "She's gone, she left me" I said standing up and leaving.

I walked to my office as I couldn't repeat it again. Why would she leave me? She was my life, everything I did was for her and she just left?!

Without thinking I started throwing things off my desk and punching the walls. She said not to look for her but I can at least try.

Colton came into the office a few minutes later to see my trashed office along with my bloody hand. "Jeremiah-" "Have you found here?" I cut him off before I could here him say about my office or hand. "No, but we know she's got on a flight back to where her old apartment is, we have men down there for when she arrives to follow her." Colton said to me .

"Keep an eye on her I want to know what she's doing" I said as I grabbed bottle of alcohol from the cabinet under my desk. "Jeremiah come on don't start drinking" Colton said. I know he's my best friend but he doesn't get to tell me how I live my life. "Get out" I said before Colton turned around and left, he'll get over it as he doesn't take it personally.

The next morning.

I woke up to Colton, Grayson and Lucas entering my office. I had drank all night which meant I woke up with a pounding headache.

"Don't start this" Grayson said referring to me drinking every night. "What have you found?" I said ignoring his statement. "Well she got to her apartment and gave in keys and then she went to a hotel where she dropped off her suitcases and.." Lucas said as all three of them looked to each other wondering if they should finish that sentence.

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