Chapter 24: War...

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I woke up to the faint sound of music from the kitchen, Last night I grabbed my stuff and headed over to Olivia's and have started staying here now thanks to her. I got up in my cropt vest and shorts and headed to the kitchen to hear 'Body Groove' playing at the chorus which Olivia was dancing to.

"Morning" I said chuckling as I scared her from her dance, "Hi, do you want some pancakes that I'm making?" Olivia asked turning the radio down. "I would love to but the missions tonight and I want to be in fit shape" I said as Olivia's facial expression dropped. "Maeve don't-" "Olivia it's okay, Lucia taught me the basics and I won't be by myself completely as I will join the group when I start fighting, trust me I'm okay" I said trying to reassure her but it didn't seem to work much.

"I'm going to head to the gym okay?" I said as Olivia snapped out of her daydream. "Okay I'll see you later or whenever you get back" She replied. "Don't wait up for me as if there's a problem or they need help after I'll be back quite late" I said to which she nodded.

I've been at the gym nearly all day and it's now 7pm so I need to get back so I can change and go out. I walked back to our apartment and changed into black jeans, tight top and leather jacket to complete the whole 'girl on a mission' look.

I knew all weapons would be in the main building, and because most were out on this mission they would be gone by now. After leaving the apartment I quickly walked to the main building which was mainly empty, I went down many hallways looking for the label 'Weapons' to grab a gun and some knives.

I final,y found it and went straight in seeing all the weapons held on the wall. After picking a gun and some knives to put just under my top, I quickly went to my car, I got in looking at my phone as I had Jeremiah's phone location on mine, as we would use it if we went out and got lost.

Anyway I saw that they were driving to the base of The Black Spades which was Marcus Finland's name for his mafia. Starting my car I drove following them from a distance, once I arrived I parked further back to wait until any fight broke out.

I saw Jeremiah and his men get out and start placing objects on crates which I assume was bombs. They all started to head back until a full army of men came running through instantly starting a fight without even talking.

I quickly jumped out my car double checking I had my weapons and headed straight in, to say I was nervous was an understatement. I ran over as one guy started eyeing me up to fight, I ran over throwing a punch to his jaw but being returned as well although it wasn't to painful as I had gone through the torture of pain with Lucia.

After a while of back and forth punches I managed to knock him down, kneeing him in the face as he passed out and I moved onto another person. Another man ran toward me and threw punches although many missed, I punched his face as he fell to the floor but not unconscious, he grabbed my foot stopping me from attempting to move. I quickly pulled out my knife stabbing his arm to stop him and he install removed it with a groan of pain.

I grabbed my knife stabbing a few more men and women until one woman came over and was really strong. I was tired however she wasn't, she flipped my over her shoulder making me hit the hard concrete. I got back up as she pulled out a knife stabbing my arm as I screamed quietly in pain, I quickly got up once she removed it, pulling out my gun and instantly shooting her.

I ran to another man while in pain from my arm however he punched my jaw hard knocking me to the ground and pulling out his gun. Just as I though I was going to get shot he fell to the ground with blood oozing out his chest. I turned to see Colton running and grabbing me to pull me up. We ran around a corner to be hidden from the commotion.

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