Chapter 9: Republic City

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"Are you ready?" Korra asked.

Asami took a deep breath and nodded at the avatar. She then looked at the glowing portal and said "Here I go." She took a step in.

They saw the blue sky and buildings everywhere. "Welcome to Republic City." Korra said with a smile. They saw Sato mobiles moved here and there. Plus, people doing their own business.

Korra first brought the non-bender to the Air Temple Island, where she introduce her to Tenzin and his family also to the airbenders.

After visiting the airbenders, Korra brought Asami to her mansion. "So this is it, you're house." Korra said.

Asami walked around the house, amazed. "I live here?" Asami asked.

"Yeah." Korra answered.

The non-bender continued to look around the place. Then she saw a table with a picture of a man and a woman. She lifted it and stared at it for a long time. "I guess they're my parents. Where are they?"

"Well, your mom was killed by a firebender while your dad sacrificed himself to save you against Kuvira."

Asami looked down. Tears fell from her cheeks. "Now, I remember what happened to them. I was helpless, when my mom died. I couldn't do anything." She said with her eyes red. Korra went close to her and hugged her.

"My dad . . . I'm just glad we were in good terms before he died." Asami continued to sobber. Korra pat her back trying her best to comfort the non-bender.


The two sat down in the living room. Tea was served to them. "Iroh makes the best tea." Asami said to lighten up the mood. Then the two laughed until it faded.
"When I ran away, the spirit world was filled with darknes that is when Chiki helped me think of the thing that makes me happy which is building things."

"Well, cause you're a Sato. You're Asami Sato. You are the CEO of Future Industries."

There was a loud bang on the door. Then a loud burst came from it. "ASAAAAMI!" Bolin screamed. He ran towards the non-bender and lifted her. He hugged her tightly.

"We heard the news from Tenzin so we went here immediately." Mako said.

He then hugged the Asami, after Bolin placed her down. The non-bender was shocked with what happened.

"She can't remember you guys." Korra whispered to the boys.

Mako and Bolin was embarrassed. "I guess the two of you must be part of team avatar, Korra was talking about."

"HELL YEAH! We did defeated a lot of villains." Bolin said with so much enthusiasm. Then he continued 'Oh yeah, I'm Bolin and this is my brother Mako."

Asami shaked their hands.

Mako turned to korra "By the way Korra, there was an explosion in the Central City station while you were in the Spirit world." Mako said.

"Yes, Chiki told me."

"Who's Chiki?" Mako asked.

"My spirit friend. I'll check on Lin about it."


Marco entered the living room. "Welcome back, Ms. Sato. My name is Marco. Varrick left me to supervise the new invention his company and your company are doing. Where benders can play the game capture the flag."

"Ah, yes. I must attend to that immediately."

Korra looked at Marco with blood shot eyes. Her eyes followed his every movement.

Marco is back! I wonder what will happen next.

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