Chapter 10: Training

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"I think I have to attend to the new project already." Asami announced.

"Right! I'll go check on Lin." Korra said. She stood up and went out of the mansion. Bolin and Mako followed her

While the three walked away from the mansion Korra moved briskly. Bolin and Mako followed her pace.

"Can you believe that guy?" Korra said sounding annoyed.

"Marco?" Bolin said.

"Yeah. Asami just came from the spirit world with amnesia and then he just barges into the room to tell her there is a project to be done." Korra sounded pissed.

"He seems like a hardworking kind of guy." Bolin said.

"There is something wrong with this Marco guy." Korra proclaimed

"What is it?" Mako asked.

"I don't know but i'll find What it is." Korra walked away and left the two guys.


Korra went to the police station to check on what happened during the explosion but Lin wasn't there so a police officer filled her in with the details. The police officer told her that was no casualties involved during the explosion but a train was stolen.

That's odd. Why would someone steal a train which caused panicked to the people?

After that, the avatar headed to the Air Temple Island to train. korra started to punch the air in the open space. Shen then threw some punches with fire.

"Hi Korra!"

The avatar was startled with the voice. She then stopped to turn around and saw Jinora standing waving at her.

"Hey Jinora!" Korra then continued to punch and kick the air.

"It seems like you're releasing all of your emotions to the air."

Korra continued to punch the air aggressively. "Gaaaaaah!" Korra lashed out with fire.

"I'm scared, okay!." Korra shouted out to the world.

"Of what?" Jinora said confused while sitting down on the ground.

Korra faced Jinora. "Asami! Asami has amnesia. She might not remember what we have. Plus, this Marco guy! This guy Varrick left in charge for their new project seems sketchy. I don't trust him. Alone. With . . . Asam. Ughh!" Korra turned her back from Jinora and punched out fire out of her system into nothingness.

"Are you and Asami . . . together?" Jinora was scared to ask.

Sweat trickled on Korra's neck. She then turned to face Jinora. "Um. . .ah" Korra couldn't form a word. Her body started to shake.

"Do you like Asami?" Jinora insisted on finding out the answer.

"Please don't tell anyone. I don't think they'll understand what I feel about her." Korra said worried. She sat down on the ground and covered her eyes with her hands.

Jinora stood up and hugged the avatar. "Your secret is safe with me."


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