I miss her

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Lena Luthor's POV

  Reigns gone now but a hole in my heart still remains, a hole that would only repair itself if I had Kara once again. It hurt to look at Sam, after knowing what the evil version of herself did. I just had to remind myself that it wasn't really her. 

   The Harun-El is a truly remarkable substance. It's powers are beyond anything that I could have ever imagined, so maybe, just maybe, I can do something with this. I headed to my lab and started studying the rock once again. I'll first start by trying to make more to give to Alura because of her great sacrifice. She could be kicked off Argo for giving it to me but she did it anyways and I will forever be grateful for that.

  About a day into my research of duplicating Harun-El I heard a knock on my door. I slowly walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. Alex? What is she doing here? I opened the door and saw a bag from Big Belly Burger in her hands. She gave me a small smile and I stepped back, allowing her to enter.

  "I uh.. I thought you might be hungry." Alex said, offering me the bag of food. Until I could smell it, I didn't realize how hungry I actually was. My stomach let out a loud grumble. I slowly grabbed the bag from Alex. "Kara used to say that you'd forget to eat when you got caught up in your work."

  "I haven't actually eaten since..." I said, looking away from her. I regretted saying that as now I know Alex will worry about me, which she doesn't have to.

  "Lena.. That's not good at all.." Alex said as she slowly came closer to me.

  "I know, I know.. I just forget is all. I've been in my scientist mode." I said as I reached in and grabbed the burger. I took a deep breath before unwrapping it and slowly eating.

  "So what have you been working on?" Alex said as she started to wander around my lab. I took a moment to swallow my food before answering.

  "Duplicating Harun-El. I would like to go give some to Alura to replace what we took." I said. "The more research I've done, the more I realize that Harun-El has powers beyond our belief."

  "That's amazing, Lena.. What kind of things could it eventually do?" Alex asked.

 "It has the potential to do thinks like cure cancer, bring people back from the brink of death, and possibly even bring people back to life with the right amount of work.." I said.

  "Do you mean that there could be a chance that it can bring Kara back?" Alex's eyes lit up.

  "I don't know for sure yet. But it is a possibility." I told her.

  "If you need any help, just let me know. I'd be happy to help." Alex said.

  "Thank you.." I heard something on my computer ding as I spoke. I slowly walked over after setting my burger down and looked at it. A smile grew on my face.

 "Yes! I've got the formula I need to be able to duplicate it." I said, rushing over to the rock and starting to work on it. I set the rock up on top of a small pillar and had my computer scan it. I then sat the black rock down on a small platform and put a normal rock on a conveyor belt. The small, grey, rock travelled through a small tunnel and as it cam out the other side, the rock had turned black. Alex's jaw dropped and I quickly grabbed the rock and brought it over to test and confirm that it was actually Harun-El. It scanned the rock and it was Harun-El.

  "Yes! I did it!" I grabbed the rock and pumped my fists in the air. Alex clapped her hands.

 "Now I can make a lot of it and maybe later today we can head back to Argo?" I suggested.

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