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Third Person POV

Most of Kara's stuff had been moved out of her apartment and this party was a last goodbye. J'onn, J'onn's Father, Winn, Alex, Maggie, Sam, Ruby, Lena, and of course Kara had all come. They played Christmas music loudly, mainly Jingle Bell Rock. Everyone at the party knew about Kara and Lena's relationship so they didn't have to hide anything.

"Lena.. Come here!" Kara smiled and waved her over. Lena shuffled over.

"I have an early Christmas present for you. I can't wait any longer to give it to you." Kara said as she pulled a small box out of her pocket and handed it to Lena. Lena smiled and started to open it. she gasped as she saw the small necklace with the 'S' on it like Kara had on her suit.

"It's beautiful." Lena kissed Kara's cheek. Lena put the necklace on immediately and they both shared a smile. Eventually, they parted ways and Kara went to talk to Alex.

"I mean, as far as parties go, this one doesn't suck, right?" Kara said as she carried more food over to the table.

"No, it's great! It is." Alex paused. "But how about you? How are you doing with the Kryptonian mystery?"

"I'm good. And it's going fine. I love parties and Christmas!" Kara tried to change the topic.

"I know it can't be easy.. With your girlfriend getting blamed.." Alex said.

"No, that's not easy.." Kara nervously chuckled. "But you know what, here we are."

"Well, it might be nice to take your mind off of it for the night. Spend some quality time with Lena." Alex suggested.

"You're right.." Kara hugged her sister. "Thanks Alex." A knock was heard on the door and Alex rushed to answer it. She opened the door to see Ruby standing there.

"Hey. Is everything ok?" Alex looked around. "Where's your mom?"

"Sorry! I'm late, I know. It's been a really long day but I got the cookies!" Sam rushed down the hallway and to the door of Kara's apartment.

"No worries. Come in." Alex chuckled.

"Christmas shopping, conference call with some very unpleasant men who were yelling at me in German, and then Ruby told me about the cookies, I'd forgot. The Italian bakery that I really liked, it was closed, so, you know, you get these." Sam rambled on.

"Okay, sounds like somebody needs to take a break.. and maybe have a drink or two." Alex said as she lead Ruby over to the couch. The two started stalking about Supergirl and how Alex had worked with her on occasion.

"Are you okay? You look a little pale." Lena asked Sam.

"Yeah, I'm fine.. I'm just so tired!" Sam paused. "Not enough hours I guess." She opened the bottle of wine and poured herself a glass.

"Yeah.. I get that." Lena looked over at Kara who was listening in to Alex and Ruby's conversation.

"You know, if you wanted, you could pull Kara Danvers right underneath that mistletoe." Sam said with a smirk.

"Oh I know.." Lena replied, smiling.

"Hi." Maggie rushed in from behind. "And I don't mean to eavesdrop, but you definitely should."

"She's having fun with her sister right now and it's just been stressful lately so I know it's good for her to relax." Lena said. Sam wasn't aware about Kara and Lena's super-side but Maggie knew exactly what Lena was talking about.

The night went on and everyone had a lot of fun, there was dancing, games, lots of eating, and of course a few presents to pass around. Kara's phone started to ring. She answered it and her eyes widened. She called Lena and J'onn over and had Ruby go wait by her mom.

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