The Dark Days

421 13 3

Third Person POV

Time didn't pass, the world became completely still. Lena felt completely hopeless. She watched the medical team do whatever they were doing. She usually would know, but she was too distraught to care. She was caught up in her own thoughts and desperately listening for a heartbeat. But deep down she knew something wouldn't happen. Deep down, she knew that Kara was gone. So she sat alone, in the corner of the room watching the medical team desperately try to revive her girlfriend. She saw Alex pacing back and forth in the room and a feeling of selfishness fell over her. Alex must be feeling way worse then she did.

  J'onn and Winn started working on a room to keep Kara incase they figured out a way to revive her. They cranked the temperature down to the lowest temperature and made sure the room stayed very cold in order to make sure that she wouldn't decompose. They placed a bed in the center of the room and had two yellow sun lamps hovering over the bed. They then brought Kara in and set her down on the bed. The medical team were given heavy jackets to ensure they didn't freeze while trying to help her.

  "Alex.." Lena said, sniffling, as she approached her. Alex said nothing and was subtly shaking. Lena reached her hand out and gently grabbed Alex's wrist. She turned Alex towards her and as soon as they made eye contact, Alex was unable to hold her tears in. Lena wrapped her arms around Alex and pulled her into a hug. The two cried into each others shoulders. Maggie rushed into the DEO and ran up to Alex.

  "Is it true..?" Maggie asked. Lena and Alex looked at Maggie and both slowly nodded. Maggie quickly hugged her girlfriend and then suggested that she should drive Alex home and spend the night with her. It took a lot of convincing but Alex eventually agreed. Lena wasn't sure what to do. She didn't have anyone to lean on. Usually she would talk to Kara or Sam, but neither of them would be able to help. So Lena went to her office, and poured herself a large glass of Naltorian Vodka that she picked up a few days ago.

Lena didn't want to feel anymore. She wanted to numb the pain. She started to drink and didn't stop until the bottle was gone. Her pain turned to anger.

Why didn't I help more? Maybe she would still be alive.

I was so weak and she was so strong.

She threw the now empty bottle of Naltorian Vodka across the room and it shattered into a million pieces. Jess came running into the room after hearing the commotion and looked into Lena's eyes. All she saw was emptiness and pain.

  "Lena I just heard.." Jess quickly embraced Lena. Lena pushed her away and walked over to the couch. Jess wasn't used to this type of coldness from her boss. Sure, Lena could be strict, but this was different.

  "She's gone." Lena said in a monotone voice. There were no more tears left to fall from her eyes, so she sat there, looking emotionless.

  "Lena.." Is all Jess could say. She didn't want to upset Lena more then she already was, so she kept her distance.

  "I promised I would be there for her. But I wasn't. How was she so strong, while I was so weak?! I passed out from something minor, but she.. she just kept fighting until her last fucking breath!" Lena practically yelled.

  "Lena it wasn't your fault.." Jess mumbled out.

  "Maybe not entirely, but deep down, I know I could've saved her. So why was I so weak?" Lena asked. She was mainly asking herself, but Jess figured she'd answer anyway.

  "You weren't weak, Lena. You were scared.." Jess tried to comfort her.

  "I was so scared.. I was so scared of losing her so I froze. But I lost her anyways so it doesn't even matter." Lena pushed her head into her hands. She just wanted to escape but there was nowhere to escape to.

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