Adventures Of Stargirl

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Lena/Stargirls POV

   I flew near Kara's apartment, I was going to check on her but then I saw her staring out of the window and quickly decided to go to L-Corp instead. Kara was with her sister, Alex. Both of them are my best friends. I sat atop L-Corp, watching CatCo closely and waiting for Supergirl to show up.

  Hours passed and eventually I decided that she wasn't coming. I let out a long sigh before looking over to CatCo one last time. There was still no sign or Supergirl, or as she lets me call her, Z. While we are getting along well, I'm not sure would react well to me being a Luthor. I flew down to the balcony of my office and entered swiftly.

"Ms. Luthor?"" I heard Jess say. Jess is my assistant and the only person that knows that I am 'Stargirl'.

"Yes?" I respond.

"I wasn't expecting you back until later, weren't you going on another walk with Supergirl?" She asked.

"She was busy." I responded as I headed to the bathroom to change out of the suit. It didn't take long and as I walked out I noticed Jess was still in my office. "Do you need something?"

"I just have a question." She said, motioning to the couch before sitting down on it herself. I reluctantly walked over and sat down.

"I'm sorry if this is an awkward thing for your assistant to be asking.." She paused. "Do you like Supergirl?" My face turned a pinkish color.

"It's complicated.." I started. "I like Supergirl but I love Kara.. It's just hard, you know?"

"I completely understand.." Jess said as she started to stand up. She slowly walked towards the door.

"Oh, Jess?"

"Yes?" She said, turning around.

"You aren't just my assistant, you're a good friend of mine." I said, smiling. She nodded and smiled before walking out.

I decided to call it a night and started to fly back towards my penthouse. However, I wanted to check on Kara first to make sure she was doing alright. I flew to the window of Kara's apartment and peered inside. I saw the blonde asleep on her couch. I smiled and flew away. I don't have the intention of being stalkerish, I just want to make sure Kara is always safe.

  I arrived at my penthouse soon after. I changed into some pajamas and sat down on my couch and put on a movie. 'Finding Nemo'. I'm not sure why but it made me feel closer to Kara. As the movie began I heard a distance scream, and then another, and suddenly it sounded like many people screaming. Shit! I quickly got my suit on and rushed out of my penthouse. I saw what seemed to be a pod flying through National City. Supergirl was already chasing it down but I figured I would help her out.

  Together, we slowed down the pod and guided it to a nearby building. Supergirl gasped.

"What? What is it?" I asked.

"That's a Kryptonian pod." She said, running towards the pod. I followed her.

"Be careful!" I said as she pressed a few buttons. The pod opened up. A man about our age was asleep in the pod. Supergirl quickly grabbed him and flew off. I flew after her.

We arrived at a large building and as I walked in after her many guns were pointed at me. I slowly raised my hands in the air.

  "Stand down, shes a friend." Supergirl said, carrying the man to another room. I went after her after the people put their guns down.

  She laid the man in a bed with what looked like yellow sun lamps.

  "What is this place?" I asked her.

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