})i({ Chapter Four

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{Come on fans can i please have some feedback? Good and bad!!! I accept both!!! unless yoru like...super rude about it...and snobby....but if you say something like " hey here are some things to improve on.... hope i help :) " instead of " this is terrible. This and this are stupid and wrong. You shouldn't even write! I prefer ___ work more! Hers is perfect!" i mean, who'd want that and who'd be so rude to send that to someone... well actually I know some people but even then... Anyways, i already know there is tons of spelling errrors so you dont have to tell me about that. Anything else would be nice though :) }

The next morning was awkward for me, but not so much for "Edlese." I can't blaim him too much, I mean, he was drunk. Yet...a part of me wanted him not drunk...

" You shouldn't wish for such things Mia..." I whispered to myself as the two princess, Edlese, and I ate breakfast.

"What did you say my beautiful princess~?" Thian gripped my chin gently, his lips close to mine. 

"Nothing my prince~" Even though I didn't want too, i had to flirt back. 

Surprisingly, I heard a growl from Ed which raised an eye brown for Veto and Thian...and me. I looked to Ed, having a "What the Hell, Edward?" look on my face but it soon changed to a shock and pissed off face as i felt someone force their lips on mine.

Thian. Was. Kissing. Me!!!! 

He pulled away, smirking and saying seductively, "Princess Amelia, would you like a stroll in the garden with me~?"

 I had no choice but to say...

"Of course Prince Thian." I gave him a fake smile and I heard Veto asking Edlese for a dance.

Edlese wanted to beat the hell out of Thian, more than when Roy calls Ed short.  I gave Edlese a look to make him calm down and get back into his act. After a second Edlese agreeded to Vetos dance offer and warned him she couldn't dance well. I on the other hand joined Thian to their garden. It was filled with all sorts of lushiest green plants, unlike the desert town. Thian knew his plants, I'll give him that. I on the other hand, weren't paying attention to his words but the words of the old lady and my father. Why was I here? 

After some time, dinner came and we all sat in the same together. Eating in silence. Edlese sat VERY far away from Veto who had a red hand print on his face. When I saw I almost cracked up laughing. But I didn't because when Thian saw they became the twins in that anime Ouran High School Host Club. All lovey dovey and...I figured it out. They are gay and in love with each other. I dont mind, its their relationship I just wished people didn't use me to hide up their secrets. Sigh, my life....

I went to my room when I was done with my food and called Roy, telling him that they are innocent. Edlese, Al, and I soon left. Of course before we left I told the two princes, " Hope your relationship lasts" With a smile.

( Btw i dont hate gays or anythign, they can do whatever they want but they shouldn't get special treatment. :) )

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