Life Ruined by Pressure

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No one is left, just me and my thoughts. They even took Bruno out. I can't believe I saw her again. I thought my life would be so much better. Her face leaves a permanent image in my mind that I don't think will ever be taken away. I already know that now I'm going to panic and have random shivers run down my spine. I just know I can get through this. I have to. I decide to just go out and face what there is to come, no matter what the case. I figure that the longer I'm in here the harder it is going to be to find the power in myself to go back out. I decide I will walk out casually, act like nothing happen, and hope the guys get the hint. Of course that never happens.

When I go out, I feel their eyes watching my every move. I sit on the floor in the corner and stare at the ceiling. I wonder who created ceilings. They must have been pretty smart. I mentally face palm myself. Procrastination is powerful.

"How are you?" Bryce asks out of the blue. I don't think he knows me as well as Ryder and Carter. He obviously doesn't know to not give me sympathy.

"Fine" I mumble a little afterwards in a fierce tone. Not even I knew what I was saying. Ryder sighs and walks out of the room. He's obviously tired of my secrecy. Especially now that he has opened himself up to me. I mean, I have told my story as well, but I have to admit that I do shield my emotions from other people.

While I decide whether to follow him or not, my feet are already taking me in his direction. I catch up to him halfway down the street I was on the other night.

"Why do you do it? Why don't you ever let your emotions show?" He doesn't even turn around, but my footsteps and Bruno's barking were loud enough, "We're just trying to help you and you... you just reject it. I'm seriously tired of it". He stops and turns around.

I honestly don't know what to say. 'I'm sorry' doesn't seem like enough. I open my mouth to speak, but he beats me to it.

"Do me a favour and give us some space. Ever since you arrived everyones been miserable." At this point he was yelling.

I guess now I see the real Ryder. There is so much passion in his words that there is no way he could be faking it. I turn and walk away. Like seriously, what other option do I have? I expect Bruno to walk with me, but when I turn he runs to Ryder, tugging at the ankle of his pants. Carter walks up behind me. I have no idea where he came from and how much he heard.

"You've got to understand Ryder's point of view. He's never acted like this before. You bring out something in him. Just give him some time." Carter whispers just enough for me to hear him, luckily. Then, he hugs me. Okay, thats weird.

"Haha. I know what you're thinking. I don't believe what I'msaying either. I'm on my man period or something." We both erupt into endless laughter. Now that's more like the Carter I know.

I can still hear Bruno growling at Ryders pants, so I know he is still here. I know he is angry at me, but I can't help myself. I run up to Ryder and hug him. Carter right behind me. I don't really care about his reaction, I just need him to know that I'm sorry.

Carter nudges me. Oh right personal space. I softly say sorry and Carter leads me back to the main room. Times like these kill me. On the inside and out. Not really, but it's nice to think that way sometimes. Plus, it sounds catchy. I mentally laugh. Hmm, haven't done that in a while.

* * *

At home, I felt the pressure. Without Ryder there is no one to take charge. It feels like everyone is lost and somehow that role has been put onto me. Why, you may ask. I don't have the slightest idea. I can barely hold myself, let alone 5 other people.

"Okay guys. Since I am in charge, I really don't care what you do. Just please don't all die on me." This earns me a few laughs, but I am serious. Being independent has the effect on people.

Since I got that over and done with, I can finally relax. And since I have a whole room to myself. I could do whatever I want. Although, Ryder not being here changes the whole atmosphere of the place. This is the second time he has left for day or more and it doesn't feel right. I hate the feeling in my stomach. The feeling that someone you care about hates you.

I decide I need company. But who? I don't want to disturb any of the boys. Then a knock rumbles through the door. Looks like I don't have to find my own company.

"It's open." I yell, even though it doesn't even have a lock. This makes me laugh. It feels good to laugh again. Bryce steps inside closing the door behind him.

"You have been acting differently since you got home, are you sure you're okay? Do you want to talk about anything?"

"Do you?" I reply.

"Sure." And with that he jumps on my 'bed', "Come on Luna, don't be scared, I don't bite..." He pauses, "much!" I never really knew Bryce was like this, I haven't really had a proper conversation with him.

"So what seems to be up?" He tells me as he lays me down.

"Well, doctor. If you must know, I've been having recurring dreams."

"Aha I see." He says as if he is consuming the information.

"But they're not just dreams. They are nightmares." He nods, "And it always depicts a motherly figure, but not a loving and kind one, a mean nasty witch."

Out of his pocket he pulls out a watch. My eyes widen. He knows. How does he know?

- - - - - - - -

What is up? I bet you didn't see that coming. Anyways here's the quote as promised; "It is easier to go down a hill than up, but the view is from the top" -Arnold Bennett. Sorry for any silly mistakes.

Until next time, over and out! Byes >_<

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