Life Ruined By Puns

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All the boys were still so I decided to break the silence.

“So how did all of you end up here?”. I looked at each of them but no one was speaking.

“Uh, I was the first one to discover this place, then each of the guys joined one by one”. Ryder was the bravest to talk.

“Why are you all here? You know without family and such?” I wasn’t sure whether I should of asked this or not but they didn’t seem fazed by it, luckily.

“Well none of us ended up here with such a dramatic story as yours, as you can probably tell. Most of us either just ran away from home because things were bad or escaped the orphanage around the corner.” Ryder spoke again.

“Oh, hasn’t the orphanage noticed you’re missing?”. The boys laugh like it was obvious.

“I swear someone better explain this to me before I slap all of you.” Yeah… I’m an impatient person.

“No. It was a horrible place. They didn’t care about anything. You practically had to forage for your own food”. Ryder replied. Oh, it all makes sense now.

I found the courage to ask the question I wanted to since I got here. “Do you think I could stay here with you?”.

“Of course. Why wouldn’t we let you?” Ryder said. All the other boys nodded, except one, and I mumbled a thank you under my breath. I hope that boy is just shy though.

“But” uttered. Dang it! There’s always a but. I might have jinxed this one. At this they huddled in a group. I rolled my eyes. Are they serious? Well I guess this is a serious matter, since I will be the only girl living here. Crossing my arms, they all turned their heads towards me, with concentrating faces.

“Well!” I may have all day, but like I said before I can’t wait that long. Finally, they turned around and made big cheesy smiles.

“First, you must kiss me”, Carter demanded, “on the lips”. He must be the cheeky one.

I took my time to decide whether or not it was worth it. I mean I don’t have anywhere where else to go and it is just one kiss. But upon a second thought, I decided maybe it wasn’t the best idea, especially within the first hour or so.

“So. What will it be Luna?”. Carter said impatiently.

“Hell no!” When the words fell out of my mouth I realised they might be offended. “I mean... maybe another time Carter”, I can’t believe I just said that, better fix it, “if you are lucky”.

“No now. Or you can find your own place to stay”. He says still trying to convince me.

“Carter, cut it out. Okay, here's the real deal.” Phew, praise the lord for Ryder. “You need to promise us that when you get your monthly thingy, you stay out of our way.” And with that, a grin appeared on his face with a tiny bit of desperation.

“So it’s settled, when do I move in?” I say enthusiastically.

“How about on the next ‘Luna’ eclipse.” Oh my god, this it was definitely a face palm moment. Never saw that coming from Ryder though.  

“Okay lets get this straight, no jokes about my name.”

After a few minutes of silence, Bryce finally came up with a reply, "Whatever Luna-tic" Well this is going to be harder than I thought.

“Seriously though, when can I set up my stuff and you know WHERE?"

“Oh yeah I forgot about that, well you can move in here tonight and as for where, it’s wherever you can find space”. From these few conversations, I can see the Ryder is the group leader.

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