Chapter 11- Let the chase begin!

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Not sure if this is a TW but just to be safe:

!!TW- brief mentions of pain

I was pacing back and forth in the bench trio den's kitchen so much I think Ranboo was getting tired watching me. I was trying to process what I had just been told. The reason Phil is currently bed ridden for XD knows how long is because some fucking psycho was running around trying to drain all the heroes of there powers. For what? Experiment with? Hold off for yourself? Make it so that no one would be able to stop him from future plans? We need to figure this out but, how? We don't even know the guy's villain identity let alone who he is or what his plans are. Dose the guy have powers of his own or is he just some fucking rando? Who is this guy and was he the guy Ghost was warning Techno about? Was the bastard actually trying to help?

"Tommy! Calm down man. You've pasing for the past half hour. It's making my feet sore just watching you!"

" Calm down Tubbo? Calm down?! There's some bitch out there draining powers from people, who has now attacked not only one of the top heroes of the world, but my father! How do you honestly expect me to be fucking calm right now?!" Tubbo tightens his lips closed and looks down to the ground. Ranboo looks at him sympeticaly then turns to me before standing up from his chair and walking over to me.

"Look Tommy, I know it's a lot right now, but it's nothing to worry about. I'm positive every hero in the city is looking for this guy right now. Everyone looks up to Phil as the crow father, and the people who know him personally look up to him even more knowing what he's been through. No one will let this slide. I think- *sigh- I think maybe the three of us should take a little break from the hero work. Only for a short while! Just until we know it's safe and what's going on with this guy. I mean, if he was able to get his hands on Phil, imagine what he could do to a few kids who have never had professional training."

"Wha- take- take a break?! Ranboo! I need to avenge Phil! I can't let this asshole get away with what he did!"

"He wont, Tommy! Like I said, heroes ar most likly out looking foe this guy as we speak, so I think it's best that we lay low until we know more about the situation."


"Ranboo's right boss man." Tubbo interrupts me, walking over to me and Ranboo. "I mean think about it! The guy saw you before he fled the mall, and he saw how you reacted to Phil getting hurt, he's probably expecting you and Techno to come after him. If he sees you- er- Theseus anywhere around him, he will most likely kill you. And you saw what, whatever he did, did to Phil! Imagine what's gonna happen to someone who's powers haven't fully developed yet! Please Toms. We can still be in the mission, just from the side lines! We'll do research here and we'll send anything we find anonymously to the authorities or even your brothers. We're gonna help Phil but in our own, safe way. What do you say?"

I thought about it. Maybe they're right. People have been telling me forever to stop hero work for my own safety but this isn't even stopping hero work, it's just hero work with now powers! I can do this. We can avenge Phil.

"I'm in."


We started our research that night. Not much, but we started. We went back and watched the news broadcast and wrote down everything we could expect to have to do with our mystery villain -that we've decided to just call 'Ram' for convenience because of the weird ram horns decor on his head. His entrance and exit patterns, his device he used on Phil, Ghost's weird behavior right before he showed up. Everything.

We didn't do much together tonight other than making intense notes, but we did notice the robe he was wearing had the Colax logo on it. In other words- our fucked government's logo.

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