Darkside ending

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Sidious: "YESSSS...yes...dew it...kill him...he was WEAK!" Sidious said as Mardus held two lighsabers crossed near Darth Vader's neck.
(well, well, well, how the turntables...)

Mardus debates... But not whether he should kill him or not, but what would he do after killing Vader.

He then closes his eyes and beheads Vader and hears Vader's metal helmet fall to the ground. A second later he hears a thump, which indicates that Vader's body fell to the floor as well.

Mardus breathes out and then opens his eyes and looks at the reader with blood-red eyes. He then turns his gaze towars Sidious.

Mardus: "You're next." he says, which startles Sidious. The ugly sith lord opens his mouth to say something, but is interrupted.

Mardus: "Ughhh, save it, there's no way i would ever be your slave, I'd rather die."
Sidious angers to this qnd growls.

Sidious: "Then prepare to die!" Sidious says as he draws 2 lightsabers and spins in the air towards Mardus.

Mardu seems unfazed by this, as he blocks this attack without effort. Sidious continues to attack.

After 5 minutes the fight is still going, as the fight was pretty equal, but soon Sidious soon grows tired of this and attacks faster and more furiously. He gets the upper hand in the fight, but still doesn't seem to land a hit.

They go into a lock up. They stay quiet as the loud sound of 4 lightsabers screeching is heard. Mardus pushes him down, then smirks and gives Sidious a mischievous smile. Darth Sidious growls and uses a massive amount of strength, by throwing Mardus off of him.

Mardus flies through the whole room and then through a wall. He crashes against another wall, but his momentum wasn't high enough anymore to fly through that one, so he only leaves a dent on the metal wall and falls to the ground.
He stands up and sees Sidious entering.

Sidious: "Let me show you the true power of the darkside!"
Mardus is then immediately met with force lightning.

But what happens shocks Sidious.

Mardus is completely unfazed by the lightning. Sidious moves his face weirdly and puts more power into his lightning, but it still doesn't have any effect on Mardus.

Sidious then stops.

Sidious: "HOW?"
Mardus just smirks.

Mardus: "Because you're weak old man..." Mardus says as he looks at the dumbfounded emperor and continues: "Now... Let ME show you the true power of the force!" He finishes and raises his hands.

He then releases red-colored force fire at Sidious.

As the fire reaches Sidious he screams out in pain as his skin turns almost immediately black and after a few seconds the only thing that's left of him is just a pile of ash, with a little bit of blood and other weird liquid still flowing around and steam erupting from where he stood.

Mardus chuckles and walks back to the office and sits on the emperor's chair.

Mardus: "Now I'm in charge...and i will do everything my way."
He then laughs maniacally.

The darkside ending...

Was...well... dark

This was much shorter than lightside ending, but oh well...

Also thank you for the votes and reads🙏
At first i planned to make Mardus join Sidious in the darkside ending, but decided against it, since it would be very illogical... Even more illogical.

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