chapter 11: Emperor and...

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Mardus was now on Coruscant, he has been here for a month. He now knew who is behind all this. The chancellor aka Darth Sidious. He was currently on top of the building which the dark Lord was in.

Mardus: "This is it... time to save the galaxy." He didn't know if he had a chance, but he must try, because Darth Sidious was becoming more and more powerful, not only in the Force, but he got his hands on an Artifact as well.

Mardus: " did he know about Eden Apples?" He wonders, but shrugs it off as it doesn't matter much anymore.

Mardus entered the building by slicing an entrance with his lightsaber. He fell into a toilet. He exited and made his way toward the chancellor's or now EMPEROR'S office. There were two guards, but they were easily dealt with as they both had hidden blades in their throats before they could even react.

Mardus opened the doors with the force and there were another two red armored guards who shared the same fate as the two previous ones.

Sidious turned his chair and looked at Mardus. Mardus looked at him and well...he was ugly..."Yes better cover yourself more with that black hood."Mardus thought to himself.

Sidious "I have been expecting you...I thought you would come sooner." He says and chuckles as Mardus suddenly hears mechanical breathing....


Someone else enters  the room and stands besides the Emperor's desk.

Someone else enters  the room and stands besides the Emperor's desk

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Sidious: "Kill him Lord Vader."

Vader: "As you wish, my Lord," the black suited man says with a robotic tone and steps forward igniting his crimson lightsaber.

Mardus immediately ignites his own red lightsaber as well.

Vader wastes no time and starts attacking Mardus. His attacks are strong and brutal, with every slash he made towards Mardus, it was harder and harder for Mardus to block his attacks.

Mardus needed some space, so he pushed Darth Vader off him, but it only worked for a second as the situation now wasn't better for Mardus than before.

Mardus saw Ezio and Altair from the corner of his eye watching him.

But then Vader finally slashed so hard at Mardus that eventough he blocked the hit, he was sent backwards and tripped to the ground. He immediately tried to stand up again, but was then force pushed into the wall behind him.

Vader held him against the wall and applied pressure to Mardus' left hand with the force so much that a few bones were heard cracking and Mardus' lightsaber fell to the ground as he grunted in pain, he wanted to scream, but he was also being choked by Vader.

Sidious: "Yes, yes.... finish it" he says and chuckles.

Vader stepped forward and raised his lightsaber, still holding his left hand up choking Mardus.

Mardus: "Ugh...What would *grunt* Ahsoka say if she saw his Master fallen so deep...*grunt*."
Vader froze and released his grip on Mardus.

Mardus fell to the floor coughing.

Sidious immediately stood up.

Sidious: "KILL HIM, KILL HIM NOW DARTH VADER!!!" He shouted angrily.

Mardus: "And also, what would your lover say when she saw you like this... Anakin Skywalker?."

Darth Vader was having a mental breakdown while Sidious was enraged...
How did this boy know about this?

Mardus: "And also... What about the fact that you were just becoming a father?"

Sidious was confused and enraged he released force lightning toward Mardus from both of his hands.

Mardus blocked with his lightsaber and with his hand.

Mardus: "WHY? WHY DID YOU DO THIS?" Mardus yelled while struggling against the unlimited power. "YOU...HAD EVERYTHING!"
Sidious was getting tired of using force lightning.


Sidious then stopped his force lightning and Vader then was about to wake up, but was hit with red force lightning. He yelled out in pain, unable to do anything. Mardus was surprised that force lightning had even stronger effect on Vader than other people.

Mardus enjoyed watching him suffer... He deserved it.

Sidious just watched as Vader finally did something with the force to stop the lightning, but he was still affected by it, his suit was fried and smoke was emitting from him and his vision was blurry. But then Vader sensed something and tried to block an incoming lightsaber attack but couldn't completely protect himself.


Mardus was facing his back towards Vader and slowly turned around to see Vader kneeling down.

His mechanical breathing sounded broken now

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His mechanical breathing sounded broken now.

Sidious: "Vader." He said demandingly.

Vader stood up and ignited his lightsaber again and started attacking. Although his attacks were now weaker, they still overpowered Mardus.
But Mardus hadn't pulled all his cards yet.

Mardus: "But you didn't know that your child is alive did you?"

Vader's brain stopped working again.
(Becoming usual now)

Vader: "You're lying."

Mardus: "Why should i? In fact there isn't one child, but twins..."

Vader fell to the floor and his lightsaber fell a few feet away, because he knew it was true, he wasn't lying. He felt them now. His children. But why didn't he sense them before?

Mardus went closer to Vader as his eyes were glowing blood red and raised his lightsaber.

Sidious: "YESSSS...yes...dew it...kill him...he was WEAK!"

Then...this is it...the choice.



Imma let you hanging now...

Is this called "Cliffhanger"  ?

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