chapter 10: Order 66

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Mardus was meditating in a room of a star destroyer on course to Coruscant, until he heard someone approach him.

He opened his eyes and saw his ancestor Ezio.

Ezio: "Hello Mardus." he said quietly, as Mardus stood up.

Mardus: "Hello... ummm what is it?" He asked.

Ezio: "There is something you need to do... Soon you will have a choice, and i hope you make the right decision."

Mardus wanted to ask him what choice, but his head suddenly started hurting. He felt pain...and death. He saw visions of Jedi dying.

Ezio: "So it has begun."

Mardus felt the visions and headache fade away slowly as he looked at his ancestor.
He had a lot of questions.

Ezio: "I know you have many questions, but all of those will soon be answered... also i wanted to give you something," he says as he takes off his hidden blade from left arm and hands it to Mardus.

Ezio: "As I've said before: There Is No Book Or Teacher To Give You The Answers, To Show You The Path. Choose Your Own Way... But i must say that he who is behind all this has found an Apple of Eden." With that he disappeared.

Mardus looked at Ezio's hidden blade he removed his own from left hand and put his own dark hidden blade on his right hand since Ezio's hidden blade only suited left hand.

Ezio's hidden blade suited him perfectly. He admired it, but then remembered his vision he saw just a minute ago.

Mardus: "Ahsoka" he mutters as he grabs his lightsaber and runs towards to where he thinks she is. But as he is about to reach the destination, she sees Rex along with other clones.

Rex: "Destroy all the escape pods." He commands others in a dark tone.

Mardus: "Wait...what, why?" He asks confused.

Rex pov:

I notice he a Jedi? No, wait he isn't... He could help us find the Jedi.

Rex: "Mardus...i need your help to find Jedi to fulfill our me find them."

Mardus pov:

Wait what?...i looked at him and then it hit me. So this was how all the Jedi die. The clones are betraying all of them... But why? Wait there are no Jedi onboard...oh no...Ahsoka.

I took out my lightsaber and ignited it.

The clones immediately screamed "JEDI" and started shooting. I started deflecting blaster shots as more clones appeared. Rex was the only one not shooting as he gripped his head muttering something.

Rex: "Good soldiers follow orders." He said and also started shooting. I force pushed all of them back and ran away to find Ahsoka.
Where would she go?

3rd pov:

Mardus ran until suddenly he fell to the floor as his head to hurt again. He saw visions again of future and Ahsoka removing something like a chip from Rex's head and them escaping eventually.

Mardus then came back to reality as he wondered what to do. "Well now i know why clones betray Jedi and Ahsoka should be good on her own then i think..." He thought to himself.

He made his way to the hanger instead, because he needed to find him. He who Mardus had visions about when he was at the temple learning about the force. He was about to eacape when he remembered that it wouldn't be really nice to just leave Ahsoka here without saying anything...but well he knew what he had to do and he knew that Ahsoka's going to be fine so he escaped.


Ok, this chapter was just a fill-in chapter... If that's a thing even...
but yeah
The end is near.

And also 10th chapter!!! Wooohooo
Although it's 11th release, but 11 is the best number so... Yeah I've already done the next chapter, but imma release it sometime later...

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