chapter 9: Mandalore

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Note: I don't remember everything from the clone wars so there might be some...mistakes and i really can't find time to watch it again.

Mardus currently meditates in an empty room of a star destroyer. He is somewhere in space. That mandolorian, who came to get aid from Ahsoka is with Ahsoka trying to get an army for a siege to Mandalore.

He knew what was waiting there...Darth Maul...or well just Maul now. He had never met him, but when he was learning about the force in the ancient sith temple, he had visions of Maul. He was powerful and Mardus knew that.

*****Timeskip when Ahsoka and Bo Katan finally got the army*****

Mardus pov:

Mardus was actually surprised, he thought that it would take longer for the Jedi to finally agree. Also all the clones had Ahsoka's face markings.

I met the clone Rex, Ahsoka talked about, he was a kind person. Although every other clone was cautious around me and Jedi tried to make a fuss about me, but well they had nothing about me expect my red lightsaber which isn't illegal to least i think so.

3rd pov:

Mardus is now in a LAAT with Rex and Ahsoka.

Rex: "I forgot to bring you two jetpacks..." As he said that you had already jumped out. Rex looks down and Ahsoka chuckles.

Ahsoka: "We don't need those...race you to the surface!" She said as she also jumped out.

Rex: "Some things never change," he says and chuckles.

Mardus is already down deflecting blaster shots as he sees Ahsoka's badass entrance. Mardus is seen using Scedo's freen lightsaber, because he felt like using it. He feels the pull to the light.

He even hesitated to kill those mandolorians. But they had to find Maul soon, but it was strange that Mardus hadn't felt him. He knew Maul was here, but where? How does he hide his force signature so well?

But as Mardus thought about it he felt him. So he just started running towards it. Although he soon knew it was a trap, because Ahsoka's and the clone who went with her are being jammed. Mardus then felt that he was on city hall.

Bo Katan: "Mardus! Where are they?" She asked from Mardus as they were fighting mandolorians side by side explosions everwhere.

Mardus: "I think city hall let's go!"

As they reached it they saw Ahsoka.
They decided that Ahsoka and Bo Katan will go in from the front and Mardus will go around.

Mardus was just about to enter as he saw  Bo Katan being choked inside, but dozens of mandolorians appeared so he got buzy. When he was done with them, he saw Ahsoka fighting Maul inside, but Ahsoka was in great disadvantage, since she had lost her long lightsaber.

Maul then force pushed Ahsoka to a wall and Mardus felt that she had a few broken bones from it. Maul started approaching her, but suddenly Mardus jumped in front of Ahsoka.

Maul looked at Mardus and started chuckling.

Maul: "YES, YES, you're finally here, i was just explaining things to her, but she wouldn't listen," he said as he deactivated his double-bladed crimson lightsaber. Mardus just glared at him, he heard most of the speech. Maul continued: "But you already know what's about to happen."

Ahsoka: "Don't listen to him, he is saying that my master is turning to the darkside."

Mardus thought about it. He knew that soon the Jedi are betrayed, but future isn't written in stone, everything can change.

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