chapter 2: Guidance of the Force

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Another year passed in this Galaxy, Mardus had spent most of the time tracking down, the people involved in Ida's and Scedo's death.

He knew they didn't directly kill them, but it was still their fault for bringing war in there.

But he didn't go to kill all the clones and droids, he hunted the commanders and generals. But it had turned out to be a lot more difficult task than he first imagined it would be.

To surprise or not, war generals and commanders are not so well reachable, which was yet logical.

Sof far he had killed a clone captain, a commander droid and a commander separatist.

Currently he is trying to get some sleep in his spaceship's bedroom. The ship was on the middle of nowhere, no planet in sight.

Suddenly the ship started shaking, as if entering hyperspace. He immediately went to rhe control room.

Mardus: "What the hell, where are you taking us?" he asked his droid annoyingly.

Droid: "No Mardus, i didn't do anything, it went to hyperspace itself," the droid said nervously, not knowing if Mardus would believe the droid eventough it was true. But to the droid's surprise, Mardus believed it.

Mardus: "That's interesting," he said suspiciously "WAIT! It's the force, it's leading us somewhere," excitement was seen from his face and his voice.
Droid just sighed on relief.

Mardus watched in amazement as stars were shooting by. Eventough he now had been travelling a lot like this, he was still from another place and couldn't help, but watch it fascinated.

As the ship approached it's destination, a small orange/red planet appeared. When he found out that it was a planet that has  never been inhabitated, he was confused.

And also when he found out that the planet's air was unbreathable, he couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

But Mardus still landed on the planet with red sand, putting on a special suit and a helmet, which allowed him to breathe the planet's air for a while.

He went outside and felt immediate hotness, the air temperature must've been about a 100°c out there. Eventough the suit protected him from the heat, it was still very hot and he started sweating.

He walked for a while as he sensed something, something... BIG, right below him.
He began to use the force to dig a whole. When the crater was about 6 meters deep, finally something was seen: A metal hatch. But there was no way of opening it.

Mardus then used the force to open it. A hatch that can be only opened with the force? That had to be something, Mardus thought to himself as his excitement began to grow bigger and bigger.

He jumped into the hatch, there was a small 3x3meter room with a door on each wall. But instantly when he entered the room, instead of heat he felt cold.

He then jumped out again and the heatr returned. He then knelt down and put only his hand into the hatch. His hand immediately felt cold, but his other body parts were heated.

He never had any childhood, so you can't blame him when, he started putting his hand inside the hatch, and outside, saying: "cold, warm, cold, warm"

He then jumped in again , while laughing, he then unnoticeably removed his helmet. After a few minutes of investing the doors, he finally realized that he was not wearing his helmet.

He quickly put it back on, as he sighed.
Then he thought for a minute and slowly removed his helmet. "Fascinating" were his only words as he realized that, not only the place, held cold temperature, but also held breathable air.

Then Mardus turned back to chposing, which door to open first. But he got a feeling that he only needed to open one.

He then opened one door that the force told him to open. He stepped inside... or outside as the door behind him closed and disappeared. He got a littlw bit scared, but decided to ignore it.

There was a small platform surrounded with darkness every way he looked, he looked down over the edge and yet again saw only darkness with no end to it. He knew what he had to do: he stretched his arms out and took, the Leap of Faith.

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