A Talk and Festival Start!

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Hello everybody! I'd like to thank all the readers for reading and voting on these chapters. It keeps me going when I don't feel like writing. Now without further adue. Here is the next chapter!

The two teens had calmed down since the initial encounter and were sitting on an old bench that Uraraka had dug up from beneath the trash. The two sat in an awkward silence facing the ocean as the sun set. A romantic scene yes, was romance on the two teenagers mind?

Oh hell no.

"So..." Izuku said breaking the silence "what questions did you want to ask?"

Ochako gave a nod, still terrified on the inside from sitting next to an assassin.

"W-w-well, I was wondering a couple things a-actually."

Izuku nodded letting her speak. She took a deep breath mumbling words of courage to herself.

"Why did you save me? Y-you are notorious for killing without m-mercy. So why?!"

At this point, Ochako had tears rolling down her face. The stress of the even had hidden itself deep in the back of her mind, and asking this question just brought the feeling to the surface. Izuku watched as she cried, not knowing how to comfort her. So he settled for rubbing her back in a gentle manner, like his mother did for him before he was diagnosed quirkless.

Ochako looked up at him with a face a shock at the gesture. She wasn't crying anymore, though light sniffles were coming out of her. Izuku sighed and asked if she was ready for an answer to her first question. She rubbed her nose and nodded, readying herself for anything.

"Well." Izuku started, unsure of how to word what he wanted to say. "I saved you because you have a soul of pure innocence."

Izuku hoped this would've given her the answer she wanted without confusing her.


Unfortunately if worked in doing the opposite.

"What do you mean my soul!? How do you know what that looks like!? How do you..."

Ochako kept listing question after question. Izuku just sat their trying to calm her down. After 5 minutes of nonstop questioning, Izuku finally calmed her down by showing her what he met. Putting his hands on his knees, he starts to concentrate on his soul. After a few seconds he turned one of his palms up and it began to glow. Rising up from his palm was a wispy black orb, with bits of white swirling around.

'It's even brighter than before ' Izuku thought staring at his soul. Ochako was in awe at the soul and was staring at it as well.


"It's scary isn't it? Eerie? Creepy?" Izuku asked looking at the girl, who was still staring at the soul.

"No its-" Ochako said softly, "it's really pretty actually."

Izuku was shocked by this. No one, not even his master, had complimented his soul when they've seen it. Yes not a lot of people have seen it, but still. This compliment alone caused Izuku's face to explode into a crimson blush.

Quickly regaining his composure, he asks Ochako a question.

"Would you like to see your soul?"

At this, Ochako looked down at her feet as to ponder this question. She argued with herself on her head, until her curiosity won the bout. She look back at Izuku and nodded hesitantly.

"I-i would like to s-see my soul. It's the r-reason you saved me, r-right."

Izuku nodded and reached out his hand and grabbed Ochakos. In her head, Ochako felt nothing more the terrified and scared that he grabbed her. She almost ripped her hand back, but then she looked at his eyes. The eyes that were a ghastly milky white, gave nothing but a feeling of gentle care and comfort.

After a couple of seconds, Izuku turned her hand upwards as her palm began to glow. And a pure white whispy orb arose from it. Ochako was in awe, never in her life has she seen anything so bright.

"This." Izuku said, motion towards the girls soul. "Is why I saved you. Your soul holds nothing but good. No evil is held within your soul, no devious sin, no purposeful badness. Only good."

Ochako blushed, embarrassed that someone said these things about her, an assassin none the less. Her soul disappeared as she hid her face in her hands. But then another question came to mind that made her think.

"For an assassin." Ochako started, "You are one of the nicest people I've met. Why are you an assassin?"

Izuku fell silent as his hair covered his eyes, debating whether to tell this girl or not. After about a minute Izuku agrees to tell her, and he began telling Ochako of his life. Everything from Shang Tsung, to his neglect and abuse he suffered at home, to even how he got his powers. Ochako sat listening as Izuku rambled about his past.

Ochako was shocked to hear that he was related to Izumi, and that Izumi and her gang did those things to him. It was starting to make sense why he went with Shang Tsung in the first place. The two talked about the people who made Izukus life hell, and in Ochakos case, how they changed. Though this didn't change the hatred Izuku felt toward them.

"I answered your questions, I should get going." Izuku said standing up from the bench. Ochako nodded sadly, she was actually enjoying talk to Izuku. As Izuku was walking away a thought came into Ochakos head on how to get to know the assassin better.


Izuku turned to face the girl, the sunset was at her back and shined in his eyes.

"Please!" She started, yelling from the depths of her heart. "Please train me for the Sports Festival! You said in your letter that you'd help me hone my skills! So please help me!"

Izuku looked at Ochako, who was on her knees bowing towards him. He considered for a second, before walking away. Ochako sighed and got up before she heard something that made her night.

"Everyday after school, come here. I'll get you prepared for your festival."

And with that Izuku fell into a portal disappearing from Ochako, who was in a shocked silence. And then it hit her. She would have the most dangerous man on the planet train her.

That's when the feeling of pride and fear set in.

And, for the next two week's, Izuku did just that. While helping her clean the beach, he also trained her strength, quirk endurance, and hand to hand combat. Ochako was worked to hell and back everyday, but she didn't regret it. She needed to get stronger, for her parents sake.

She also grew closer to the assassin, whom she would call 'Sensei'. And Izuku would call her 'Aprentice'. Though when peeled back, the two saw eachother as friends. When the two weeks were over, the two got about 1/4 the beach clean in the two weeks. On the day of the festival Ochako was in the waiting room with class 1A, currently she was meditating to help calm her nerves.

"-hako. Ochako!"


Ochako was brought out of her concentration by one of her friends, Mina Ashido. Shaking her head she looked at her friend, who had a look of worry on her face.

"Are you ok Ochako? You haven't been the same since the invasion. Are you doing alright?"

Ochako nodded her head and thanked her friend for her concern. It felt nice to know she had people who cared for her.

"I'm doing great Mina! The past two weeks have helped me move past that, and I've got some nice ways to help destress myself. Like meditation."

This caused the pink skinned girl to giggle and smile at her friend. At this the overhead speaker came on and the class was called to the field. Walking through a tunnel the class entered the gigantic stadium in which the festival would be held. Ochako was thrown into awe at the massive size of the place.

Other classes were announced as they all congregated at the center. Whilst Izuku sat disguised in the stands. Having dyed his hair partially white and wearing a dark coat, no one would recognize him. He watched as a podium erupted from the ground, holding the R rated hero: Midnight. He smiled as the show had just began. And boy was he going to have fun.

"Hello everybody, and welcome. To the annual UA Sports Festival!!"

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