To be Sallowed by Darkness

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Hello yalls, welcome to the first installment of my new story. I hope you enjoy it.

Quirks were a common thing in the world, each one unique and special. More the 80% of the population had one of these superpowers. It was rare to find someone without a power in the day an age. Unfortunately for Izuku Midoriya, he was one of those few people lacking in power.

Son of the late Hisashi Midoriya, and the now Inko Yagi, Izuku never got to know his father, and his mother moved on as fast as a cheetah ran. When Toshinori married Inko, they had a child of their own, and named her Izumi. Growing up, the two children of Inko were inseparable, always playing with eachother in the park with the other children their age.

By the time they were 5, the two had amassed the small group of friends they were very close with. They were two sets of twins, Katsuki and Katsumi Bakugo, and Shoto and Shoka Todoroki. These kids were the best of friends, at least untill they got their quirks.

The quirks they all got were unique in their own right. Being able to create explosions from your palms and feet, telekinesis, and a mix of pyromancy and cryomancy. With these quirks this small group of friends were set to become heroes, there was one problem though.

Izuku didn't get a quirk.

This shook the group of friends to the core, and despite his disability, Izuku still wanted to help people. The others however saw something different. They saw someone useless, someone less than human, but also their best friend. Izumi, the Todorokis, and Bakugos, didn't want Izuku to be a hero, fearing he would die in training. So they decided to "protect" him by bullying him to give up his dream.

The first few years of this were difficult for the 5 quirked kids, but it soon grew easy. They began to feal ashamed of how weak Izuku was, ashamed at how easily he would get hurt. It didn't help that at home, Izuku was being neglected by his parents. Not given attention, or food, or even gifts on his birthday and Christmas. He had to cook for himself, love himself, and learn to be a person by himself in the stead of his parents.

All of this abuse filled his heart with hate and anger. Causing his soul to turn from the pure innocent white, to a void-like vantablack. There was no light to be found in his soul, only dark.

As the the once friend group reached middle school, the abuse was worse. Both from his once friends, and his parents. The teachers saw his suffering and tried to help, but were only met with a broken version of the boy that once was.

Now we are at the present time at Aldrea Highschool. Izuku can be see walking through the empty halls, he had been late to try an avoid a beating. Although luck had never really been on his side, because as he was walking he was met with a force holding him in place as a small glacier struck him in the chest. As he skidded through the hall another glacier caught him, he slowly looked up to see his 5 tormentors standing over him.

"Thought you could avoid us Deku" Spoke his own sister, the leader of this group.

"You know what happens when you try and avoid your beating, right?" This time Katsuki spoke while glaring daggers at Izuku, explosions crackling out of his palms.

The 5 approached him slowly as he begins to shake in a combination of fear and hatred. They then began to physically beat the life out of him. Each strike filled Izuku with more and more hate. Hate for his bullies, hate for his parents, hate for his life.

Fists flew for several minutes untill they stopped to admire their handiwork. Their own fists were covered in blood, Katsuki and Shotos fists even had blood dripping off of them. Izuku was another Story however. Both his eyes blackened, nose and mouth gushing blood, multiple bruises on his upper chest and neck.

The 5 stepped back to go to class when the school began to shake. They all looked at eachother with worry when they heard the PA system go off.

"Attention all students and staff! The school is being attacked by a S class Villain! Everyone please evacuate NOW!"

Panic ensued as the halls began to flood with student to the emergency exits, the 5 bullies were no different, leaving Izuku struggling against the lockers. After about 7 minutes of panic the halls were silent, beside the breathing of Izuku who was sitting in his own blood. When all of a sudden the main hall doors flee open with a green glow emanating from the walls. Out of the doorway a man with long black hair slicked straight back hovered through the doorway, a green skull in his hand the brighten his surroundings.

This man was the Soul Theif Villain, Shang Tsung. His quirk allowed him to manipulate the souls of living creatures in anyway shape of form. As he floated through the halls humming to himself, he spotted a green haired boy leaning against the lockers.

Curious his stopped floating and walked over to the boy, crouching down to get a look at him. Shang Tsung saw the disarray the boy was in and got an idea.

"You'll be an interesting experiment young one." Shang Tsung said to no one inperticular, "let's hope you fare better than the others."

And with that said he disappeared in a flash of green light.

Outside the school, the staff and students were in an evacuation area surrounded by police and heroes. The teachers were taking role calls.

"Kazuma Shianto!"


"Izuku Midoriya!"

The teacher was met with silence. He called again. "Midoriya!"

Again he was met with silence. The Bakugos, Todorokis, and Izumi looked at eachother with worry ad the teacher began to yell for Izuku.

"Midoriya! Midoriya! Izuku!!!!" He was once again met with silence. The teacher was filled with shock when a police officer came up to him.

"We didn't find anyone inside, but we found a lot of blood in a back hallway. We'll run it through some tests and look at the cameras to see what it's from." Ths police officer spoke sadly towards the teacher. As he turned and walked away, the teacher was left with one thought on his mind.

'How am I going to tell his parents?'

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