Let's End This - Part 1

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(Ryans POV)

We had been running from the military for at least an hour at this point and it was getting tiring very quickly.

"Bro are you alright?" Mark asked.

"No I just can't shake these guys!" I answered 

"I believe the let's run away plan, isn't working?" Harris said sarcastically. "We need a new tactic."

"Oh! Oh how about this, I get in an escape pod in a jet?" Spyder suggested

"And?" I asked.

"And what?" He asked back. I regained focus as we were hit from behind my another missle.

"There goes the last of our shields." Harris said.

"Harris?" I asked. "I think it's time to try out our special project."

"It isn't ready I haven't tested it yet!" He protested.

"Do it!" I yelled, having really no other options. I gained some ground on the military and when they flew over head they couldn't see the robot through Harris's new holograms.

"What's up now? Didn't expect the robot to hologram up, did you?" Harris laughed. "So ya best ghost!"

"Since when could we do that?" Spyder asked as Mark put out a small fire.

"I asked Harris to install a hologram generator like the one hiding Mech-x3." I explained.

"Consider this our first field test." Harris said. "Though, Leo deserves most the credit. He invented it."

"Speaking of Leo?" I asked.

"I sent him out gps coordinates." Harris said. "He's on his way from Mech-X3 to help with repairs."

"Good okay," I said. "I'm outta here. I'm heading to Harpers to save mom."

"Right now?" Harris asked.

"Because that worked so well the last time." Mark said. "We almost lost the robot."

"I don't need the robot to save mom." I said, "okay I have a power, I'll be fine." I walked towards the hatch but Mark stood on top of it. "Out of my way. Dude move or I will move you."

"You aren't going, your the only one that can pilot this robot." Mark said. 

"Marks right." Harris added. "If the military finds us, the robot will have to make another run for it. You can't leave."

"I'll be fast. Now move Mark." I demanded.

"Ryan I did not want to have to go there, but what happened last time you left the robot at terrible timing?" Mark asked pointing to my wrist that had both me and Dakotas Mech-links. Ouch, not that I didn't deserve it. "Don't worry, I'll take some tech and get mom."

"And I'm going to." Harris said. "I know that place like the back of my perfectly moisturized hand."

"I kinda saw this as a solo Mark Walker thing." Mark added. "No offense."

"Some taken." Harris as curiously.

"Dude if your going instead of me please take him. You need him." I said. "He knows the layout, it will make it easier on you."

"Alright let's go." Mark said walking to the elevator.

"Hey Mark, Harris. I need a favor from you guys before you leave." I said.

"What's that?" Mark asked.

"I need one of you to call Dakota and get her back here." I said. Mark chuckled as Harris laughed.

Regret - Ryan Walker (Slow burn) - Mech-X4 fan fiction : Season 1 (EDITED✅)Where stories live. Discover now