Chapter 13: Heist Gone Wrong

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Trevor's POV

Fergus and I faced the corner shop on the opposite side of the road. Tonight was the night we decided that we'd pull off the first food heist I'd be a part of. Fergus straightened his ears before glancing at me.

"Alright kiddo, remember the plan?" He asked me as I nodded. "Aye. Go in the back and shut off the circuit breaker so the alarm won't go off then get in and get as much as we can." Fergus gave a thumbs up to me as I confirmed my task. We faced the shop once more before my fox mentor held out a hand with three fingers outward, putting one back when he started to countdown.

"Three... Two... One... Break!"

And then we both rushed to the shop, Fergus lingering around the front as I made my way to the back through a small alleyway. It was rather dark given that we were pulling the heist off at night during closing hours so it was rather difficult to find the electrical main box. I knocked on the wall with every step until at last, my knuckles felt a cold metal instead of the rough brick texture. I felt around the box for a handle, my hand gripping one seconds later. I tried to turn said handle but it wouldn't budge.

Great, locked. That would've been way too easy. Luckily, Big Fee found an old torch and gave me it. I took the torch out of my pocket and flicked the switch as a light flickered from it. Aiming the torch at the handle, I could see a keyhole on the handle's pivot. I looked around the small alleyway until I spotted an old iron stick on the ground. Picking it up with my free hand, I jammed one end of the stick in the gap and slowly started twisting it to attempt to pry the door open. I had to push hard until I finally heard the sound of a metal snap. The door slowly opened up as I directed the torch inside the open circuit breaker, revealing several switches, all labelled for different parts of the shop. I scanned over the switches until I finally saw one labelled "ALARM" to which I flicked to off before making my way back to the front, until I saw an iron door in the wall, presumably the staff entryway. Seeing as the metal rod I used was intact, I pried the door open, this one taking a lot more effort with it being bigger than the circuit breaker's hatch.

"Fergus, over here!" I called out as the door creaked open to a room a darkness. The fox in question jogged over to me and grinned upon seeing the ajar door. "Haha, nice one, Trev!" He praised me before gesturing me to follow him, heading into a hallway that had two doors, one for storage and one presumably for the shop itself. This door thankfully wasn't locked and we were in the main area, overlooking the many shelves that stored food. I swear, the amount of stuff in here was enough to feed a small family for maybe two months.

Fergus then nudged me gently before pointing at my back as I remembered that I had an old worn backpack on me which I took off and unzipped open as Fergus quickly ran to the nearest food shelf and was already in the process of filling up the backpack. Because of me tampering with the breaker, the alarm didn't go off so we were free to hang around for as long as we wanted. Soon enough, the backpack was full to bursting as I quickly zipped it shut and hoisted it onto my back as we both high tailed out of there, but not before I shut both doors to avoid leaving as much evidence as possible. Fergus and I shared a fist bump and were about to make our way back to the canal when Fergus suddenly froze and his ears folded back.

"Shit! PC Pearl!" He hissed under his breath in slight panic before grabbing my arm and pulling me into a nearby alleyway with him. We both watched anxiously as we soon heard footsteps approaching our location as we hid behind some trash cans. We both peeked from behind to see a female horse in a policewoman's outfit silently scan the area around her, briefly stopping in her tracks as I could see the look in her eyes that translated as "Something doesn't feel right". And then, quick as a whistle, she made off into the direction where we had left the corner shop from. It would only be a matter of time before she'd find out that the place had essentially been robbed earlier than we hoped so we both quickly headed into the alleyway, taking a detour to the canal as we both darted our heads around to keep a look out for that horse.

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