Chapter 1: New Age, New Adventures

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[Author's Note: This fanfiction is a sequel to my earlier 101 Dalmatian Street fanfic, "Family of 101". If you have not read that yet, I strongly reccommend you do before reading this one.]

"Happy endings are just stories that haven't finished yet." - Angelina Jolie



The in-sync exclamation of every one of my beloved family of Dalmatians said out loud a second after I had flicked the switch to the kitchen light on after formerly finding it pitch black. One of the oldest of my ninety-nine siblings, Dylan walked over to me, a cake with lit candles on top in his hands and a smile that matched those of all my siblings. To say that I was surprised was an understatement, I swear I even wiped a tear of joy from my eye. I should probably explain:

Hi. My name's Cody Dalmatian, formerly Cody Wester, the reason for my former name being that I am the first and only human member of a family of anthro Dalmatians. It all started eleven years ago when my abusive biological father had ultimately decided he had had enough of me and threw me off a bridge with the intent of leaving me to die, unaware however that I would later be discovered by two of the family of one hundred and one dogs, Dizzy and Dee Dee who would later become my two sisters alongside their siblings. Their mother and father, Delilah and Doug were sweet enough to take me into their family when they both learned that I otherwise had nothing to fend for myself with and as a result, I ended up with probably the best family any person could ask for. Other than my birth dad finding out much later that I was still alive and kidnapping me with the intent of murdering me to possibly save his own skin and me actually almost dying from the injuries he gave me, my life took a turn for the best and it has always been that way ever since.

"Alright bro, give one heck of a blow and make your wish!" Dolly who had just appeared next to me and wrapped an arm around me said, her cheek pressed against mine. I briefly closed my eyes in thought before inhaling and gently blowing at the candles, extinguishing the tiny flames. Everyone cheering and clapping as I returned the smiles they all had.

Sometime after I had been officially adopted into the Dalmatian family, a childcare agency was kind enough to provide my new mother and father, Delilah and Doug respectively a few details about me including my date of birth, which was March 24th. Honestly, I had almost forgot that today just happened to be that very day, especially given that I had the day off from my job at the London Art Shop, otherwise Mr. Hanworth would've wished me happy birthday. Speaking of which, I was lead to the kitchen table to which two of my many sisters, Dizzy and Dee Dee both gave me a tight birthday hug as I noticed a pile of wrapped boxes on the table top. I went for the smallest at the top to find it was from Dylan, I opened it and inside was a necklace with small grey rocks and jewellery shaped like stars, even with Dylan not explaining, I could tell the stones were moon rocks.

"Ugh, really bro? Only total nerds would appreciate that gift." I heard Dolly complain as I tried the necklace on. "It's alright, Dolly, I actually like it. Thanks Dylan!" I reassured. And I was right, the necklace was definitely unique and since I liked stars to begin with, it was a nice accessory. I reached for the next wrapped box, managing to notice Dylan give Dolly a smug grin most likely from my feedback out of the corner of my eye. Ripping away the paper revealing a very professional looking paint set, containing many different paintbrushes and probably more than twenty available colours. I couldn't help but gawk at it with a grin, the set must've been pretty expensive from the overall quality of it. It was a no-brainer on who got me the set. "Thank you, Da Vinci! I'll make sure to use it well!" I hugged my painter sister as she giggled and returned the embrace. "I know you will." She replied.

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