Chapter 11: Visiting Mrs. Smith

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Cody's POV

Just a few more lines and my sketch of Dixie was done. Honestly, she has been on my mind quite a lot recently. I can't help but blush whenever I think of her, I guess it's because this is the first time I've actually had a girlfriend. I wonder if Dolly has the same feelings whenever she thinks of Hansel. The sketch of Dixie in question was of her sitting on a windowsill looking at the viewer whilst holding a rose to her smiling face. I was about to colour the sketch in when I heard mum call out to me.

"Cody! Can you come over here for a second, love?" Putting away my sketchbook and colouring pencils for later, I stood up from where I was sat and headed to where mum was to find her on the house phone when she glanced over at me with a smile on her muzzle. "Hey mum, what's up?" I greeted as she held up a finger, signalling her to give a moment. "Yeah, that's great! I think he'd love to meet you! Alright, talk to you later!" She said on the phone before hanging up and turning to me.

"Cody? Did I ever tell you about my human godmother who used to live with us?"

Huh. So I wasn't the first human to live here? I briefly remembered at that moment about how Great-Great-Grandad and Grandma Pongo and Perdita lived with their human godmother and godfather, Anita and Roger. The term "Godmother/father" being what anthros prefer to use nowadays instead of "Owner" since the latter sounded more objectifying. I shook my head 'No' as I never recalled her ever mentioning that she had a human godmother.

"Oh goodness, it must've slipped my mind." Mum scratched the back of her head in slight embarrassment before continuing. "But yes, she used to live here with me when I was a pup myself. We even had my aunt Oddball and Uncles Domino and Little Dipper living with us for a while too. And when I married Doug, she realised I was old enough to be able to take care of myself so she handed down the house to me and him and moved away to live on an island." Wow, she must've been rich. Maybe she was a famous writer or something given how long ago it would've been since she moved away. I quickly noticed however that mum's face had faltered a little and she let out a sniffle whilst wiping her eye.

"Mum? ...Are you okay?" I asked her, concern being very evident in my tone. "O-Oh yeah, sorry sweetie. I just miss her sometimes. Been a long time since me and her last talked." She explained, managing a smile through her nostalgia-induced moment before clearing her throat. "Anyway... She's actually come to London on holiday and is currently staying at a hotel called Bulgari. She called me just to ask me how things have been with the family and well, I let it slip that I had a human son now." She chuckled with a sheepish grin, obviously referring to me. "And she would love to meet you!" She finished as I wondered what her godmother would look like.

"That does sound good! What would be the best time to visit her?" I wondered as she walked over to a desk and wrote down a slip of paper. "She said she's able to see you right now if you want!" Mum suggested before handing me the piece of paper. What was written on it was the address to the Bulgari Hotel and the number '42', possibly the room number. Since I had nothing important planned at the moment, I nodded at the idea and was about to head for the door when I looked back to her.

"Don't you want to come with? It wouldn't be fair if I got to visit her and you didn't after so long." Mum shook her head sadly at me in response. "I really wish I could, but I have work to go to. Have fun though, sweetheart." She gave me a small smile before waving to me to which I nodded understandingly and waved back before leaving.

It was probably a good thing I took the bus to the hotel. The whole ride to maybe over twenty minutes to get there from Camden so imagine how long it could've taken if I had walked. The look of the hotel itself wasn't too fancy compared to the other sights I had seen in my life in London. The exterior was like a wide office building with nothing but rows of rectangular windows, the front probably had the longest set of windows and see through doors I'd seen on a hotel. I shrugged this off and went into the lobby, the inside looked rather nice at least. It was like I was inside one of those modern houses with abstractly shaped exteriors.

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