Chapter 10: Self-Help

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(What Macy is wearing at the top)

Macy POV
We knew what we had to do. I didn't like the idea but she's a threat.

It was time.

Carol took Lizzie outside. She said they were gonna pick flowers for Mika.

Judith started to fuss so I went to our room to get her and feed her.

I fed her the bottle and she went back to sleep when I walked out of our room I heard a gunshot and knew where it came from.

I looked out the window and saw Lizzie on the ground dead. Carol was walking back in tears. I felt bad for her. She loved them like they were her own. And now they're both dead. It's heart breaking.

<<That night>>

We were planning in leaving for Terminus in the morning. Judith and I were in bed. Judith was asleep but I was awake thinking of what happened today.

I finally drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

<<the next day>>

When I woke up my bag was laying on my bed; ready to go. I woke up Judith and fed her real quick.

We left about 30 minutes after I fed her. Judith was on my back in a little baby carrier.

When we reached the railroad we saw another 'Terminus' sign.

After about an hour of walking; we came across a little cabin.

There was a man on a walkie-talkie talking to someone about a girl with a sword and a kid in a hat; Carl and Michonne while he set up fireworks. I don't know?

He was interrupted by Carol putting a gun to his head. "We're friends with the girl with the sword and the kid in the hat," she said turning the safety off of the gun and cocking it.

"It doesn't have to go down like this. We can work something out," he said clearly scared.

"No we can't," I said walking over to a nearby car and taking the seat belts out and tying them around his hands.

Tyreese dragged him inside of the cabin and set him down against the wall. I put Judith's blanket in a little box and set her inside of it.

Carol said she was gonna go to Terminus and get the group out of there. I wanted to help but she wanted me to help keep an eye on Judith.

She left an we were left with this guy named Martin. Let's just say he's a smartass.

Judith became fussy so I took a bottle out of my backpack and fed it to her.

She calmed down and soon fell asleep. Tyreese was by the window looking over the trees at something.

"Is that Terminus," I asked. He nodded and kept looking at it.

This guy; Martin was saying some crap to Tyreese but I didn't listen. I was too busy thinking about my family. Carl.

I was sitting next to Judith when Martin came over and pushed me down holding a knife to my neck.

"Go outside," he said to Tyreese. Tyreese started to walk forward but soon stopped. Martin became tense when walkers started pounding on the window which woke Judith up and she began crying.

"GO OUTSIDE," Martin yelled. Tyreese still didn't move.

"It's one push man-" "DONT" "DONT MAKE ME," Martin and Tyreese yelled.

"Go outside," he said quieter. Tyreese nodded and opened the door and got pulled out by the walkers. I heard him struggling but it soon faded.

The door busted open and Tyreese tackled Martin to the ground.

I quickly picked up Judith and began shushing her. Tyreese was punching Martin over and over whispering 'I won't' to him.

After Martin passed out we saw a group of people heading towards us. Tyreese took Judith and opened the door and went outside.

I got up and walked out too. Then I saw them. Daddy and Shelby.

Shelby and I ran at full speed and hugged each other, crying in the process. We soon let go and I turned to daddy and he picked me up spinning me around. He finally put me back down.

As soon as I turned from my dad, a pair of soft lips were on mine, moving perfectly in sync. I knew it was Carl.

We separated after about a minut and he hugged me for dear life.

"I thought I lost you," he said into the crook of my neck. I began to cry a little more and so did Carl.

Soon Shelby joined our hug and we positioned ourselves so we're all hugging each other.

I finally have them back. The people that kept me sane.

My family.

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