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Looking back, I now realize that this fanfic is really cringe, and it physically pains me to read it. It's a got a crap ton of plot holes and story elements that don't make any sense. Like why does Lancer even turn evil in the first place? I don't know. What's with the chapters with random wingdings that have no point to the story whatsoever? I don't know.  WHY DOES FRISK RANDOMLY KILL YOU????? I DON'T KNOW. Overall, this book is just really bad, but seeing how it was my first, I appreciate all the people that supported me regardless. 

I'll be taking a giant hiatus from now on, in order to better myself as a writer, and will return when I see fit. The first chapter to the sequel of this dreaded thing will come out by the time I'm with the hiatus. I'd like to note that I'll be online from time to time, but it won't be to update any books. 

I'd like to thank the following people.






Make sure to follow them :D

Aight that's all I have to say. Byeeeeeee~

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