Chapter 28

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"Easy Kitten," Raven growled as he felt her stir awake. "Headache?"

"Nyet," She mumbled as she shifted to hear his heartbeat better. She scooted down a little and he growled while forcing her to stay still.

"Nyet move Kitten," He warned.

"What?" She sat up and looked at him confused.

"Nyet move Kitten," He repeated keeping her in place. "No ready that."

"Oh," She gasped softly when she realized what he was talking about. He nodded while watching her in fascination. "You have husbands," she whispered.

"Da," he nodded. "Want you too," He shifted her just a little so she could feel what she was doing to him. Her eyes widen in shock. "You do this."

"Me?" She asked in shock. "Nyet," She shook her head. "Morning wood."

Raven chuckled, "Afternoon Kitten," he told her and she leaned over to grab her phone causing him to groan as she moved. "Kitten," He warned as she sat back up. "Tell me stop."

"I do this?" She asked still having trouble believing it as she moved even lower gasping as she felt just how large he really was and that was with sweats on.

"Da," He growled trying to keep himself in control. "All you, Kitten."

"But husbands," She whispered in confusion.

"Want you too Kitten," he growled as he held her hips. He thrust up a little making her gasp. "Want you our wife, give fruit cup."

"Bear," She gasped as warmth started to cover her. "What doing?" she asked in shock and embarrassment as she felt her panties become drenched.

"Oh Kitten," he growled as he moved his fingers and felt her wet panties. "So good," he whispered as he wrapped his hand behind her neck and pulled her to his face. "Want me Kitten?" He asked as he closed the space and gently kissed her. She gasped and he deepened the kiss while making sure he didn't hold her in case she wanted to pull away.

He moved his hand slowly under his shirt she was wearing and cupped her breast. She moaned causing him to groan into her mouth. She ever so slowly rocked against his sweat pants covered cock and when she pressed against him as she rocked he pulled away and groaned as he became even harder.

"Bear," she gasped as she continued to rock loving the warm feeling building in her stomach and loving how powerful she felt making Raven respond in the way he was. "What doing to me Bear?"

"Feel what do to me Kitten," He growled as he helped her move against him. "All you Kitten." He watched as she sat up and tilted her head back with her eyes closed. He pulled his shirt off her and ran his fingers down her neck and gently over her body. "Please Kitten, let love you," He whispered.

"Please Bear," She begged as she started to rock even more. "Please more," She opened her eyes and stopped moving. She looked down into his dark brown eyes and smiled. "Show me love Bear."

He growled, sat up and kissed her with everything in him. He smirked at her small squeal of surprise then went back to kissing her. He slid his sweatpants off and chuckled when she realized he was commando underneath his pants. "Sure Kitten?" He asked as his fingers touched her panties. "Once show love we marry you mine, our wife forever."

"Show me Bear," She whispered as she ran her fingers along his jawline. "Show me love Bear then husbands show me, you first Bear. Love them but love you first. They understand?"

"Of course we understand," Owen said from the doorway. "That's what we expected to happen. We came to see if you were awake and wanted lunch but we definitely like this surprise instead."

She blushed and started to cover herself. "Don't Kitten," Raven stopped her hands. "Show husbands how beautiful," he said softly. "They watch please?"

She thought about it then nodded, "Fuck it's going to be hard not to touch," Gabe moaned as he cupped himself. "I'm already fucking hard just looking."

"Look Kitten," Raven said as he rolled her nipples between his fingers. "Look hard they are watching you on top me. You do that."

"Me?" she gasped as she rocked against Raven. "Bear," She pouted.

"They watch Kitten?" He asked as he kissed along her neck. "Please Kitten?"

"Da," She gasped. "Now show me Bear, show me love please."

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