Chapter 19

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Raven opened the door and saw her writing on some papers at her desk so he shut the door and headed down to the study where everyone was. "I tell you something wrong Kitten," he said as he paced around. "Know."

"What do you mean?" Corey asked. "Are you sure it's not just that she is busy planning on how she wants to decorate the house?"

"Or maybe she is missing your parents so much she's homesick?" Victor asked.

"Net," Raven shook his head. "Some time other."

"Something else," Corey corrected absentmindedly. "It's something else Raven."

"Same," Raven rolled his eyes. "She no same Kitten."

"What makes you think that?" North asked curiously.

"She no hug no more, small answers," Raven sighed, "no light eyes no more, no call Bear, no same, hiding no what."

"Just ask her what the fuck is wrong," Gabe shrugged.

"Say nothing," Raven sighed as he plopped down on the couch and laid his head back on the on back of couch. "Say miss parents."

"Then offer for her to go visit them," Owen shrugged. "Maybe that's all it really is and she just wants to see them for a little bit. We can easily send her over there and with Dimitri being out of the picture and your father taking care of all his men, there is no reason for her to be at risk over there."

"Your father will have all his best men protecting her," Corey nodded. "Surprise her, she keeps telling you she misses them, so surprise her with planning a visit for her to go see them. It may be just what she needs right now."

"Da," Raven nodded and pulled out his phone to call his father.

Raven hung up the phone and seconds later there was a knock on the door. "Come in," Owen said and the girl that held all their hearts walked in slowly. "What can we do for you Darling?"

She held up her phone, "Things house, go look please?"

"Of course Baby," North nodded and stood, causing the rest to follow suit. He grabbed Raven's hand and gently squeezed as they followed her out to the cars.

"What do you have there, Angelos Mou?" Silas asked pointing to the papers.

"Ideas," she said handing them over to him.

He noticed it was just small details like including a dog door for the back door for Max, more shelves in the craft room, cabinets that include fold out tables, possible color schemes for the various rooms that include all their favorite colors, details to make the house more of a home that was mainly hers but also included all of them as well.

"Gabe will like all of these ideas and North and I can easily make those cabinets for you. It's coming along nicely," Silas nodded and kissed the top of her head. "I think by next week it will be completely finished besides your small final touches."

"Nice," She smiled softly then looked out the window to watch everything pass by.

When they pulled up to the house they saw there were movers with all her new appliances along with a lot of other boxes. Nathan, North, and Silas started moving the appliances in while Gabe started opening boxes and giving orders on where stuff went.

Anastasia walked around and softly touched everything making sure it was exactly where she wanted it. She loved watching it bloom into her creation but it hurt at the same time.

"Okay Kitten?" Raven asked as he followed her out onto to final story balcony.

She curled up in the rocking chair and smiled softly. "Da," She sighed. "Want Mama, Papa see this."

"Take video, pictures, show them," he smiled kneeling down to look into her eyes. She frowned in confusion and he handed her his phone. "Tell Father you miss home, he send plane be tomorrow get you. Go visit home Kitten, show this tell all you doing, visit like want."

"Really?" She asked shocked and he nodded.

"You say you miss, I hear, no like sadness in eyes, go visit, want my Kitten happy," he said holding her hands. She hugged him tightly and he smiled, she was back to her old self and he wanted her to stay that way forever whatever it took.

She blinked back the tears as she clung to him, forcing her broken heart to not show through. Once she knew her mask was solidly in place she pulled back out of his arms. "Thanks," she smiled at him.

"Hey, we need to head back to the house to get some rest and enjoy time with you before you leave tomorrow," Nathan knocked on the doorframe breaking the moment.

"Stay little longer, just want enjoy?" She asked softly. "Stay here?"

"Sure," Victor nodded. "We can go into town and get food and stop by the house to get clothes and such, that's no problem Princess."

"Fuck yes, first night in the new house is going to be fucking great," Gabe smiled and she giggled softly.

"You go," Raven nodded, "I stay Kitten."

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