Chapter 1

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Anastasia pushed through the pain and kept running, she had to get away. The rain kissed her pale skin like stabs but she didn't allow her body to think about it. She had to reach her safe haven before they found out she was missing. She couldn't handle it anymore, the pain was now no longer tolerable. Lightening lit up the sky making it slightly easier for her to gather her surroundings. She slipped into the forest and ignored the pain as she slipped inside a dead tree and gather her breath for a second. Thunder hit overhead and she closed her eyes for a few minutes, maybe she should wait out the rain so she could gather her strength and let her muscles rest instead of scream in protest.

Looking down at her stomach her once white shirt was now during a darker red than when she escaped. She bit her lip and sighed, she had to keep going, the rain masked her movements so it wouldn't be smart to wait the rain out. She had to keep going while it was raining, no matter what her body wanted her to do. She had a destination she had to reach, she just prayed her only source of hope was still there. If it wasn't there then she didn't know what she would do. It had to be there or she wouldn't survive it was as simple as that.

She took a breath and pushed herself out of the tree. She pushed through the spots clouding her vision and continued even deeper into the forest. Suddenly there it was, the abandoned house. She briefly smiled and walked around until she found the window she was searching for. She used what little strength she had to open it and crawl inside. She laid on the floor for a little bit to catch her breath. After a bit she pushed herself up and headed to the room she was searching for. She watched her step as the floorboards creaked under her. She found the kitchen and leaned against the wall as she moved to the old phone that was hanging on the wall. She dropped to the floor and pushed until one of the boards popped up. She smiled and lifted it then the one next to it then reached down to pull out a cellphone. She powered it on and took a breath hoping it still worked. She let out a small sob when it powered on with a full battery. She dialed a number and closed her eyes as it rang.

"Hello? Raven Ravenstahl's phone Corey speaking," A man's voice answered and she frowned in confusion for a moment then she remembered.

"Corey? Raven husband?" she asked timidly.

"Yes, I am one of Raven's husbands, who is this?" Corey said softly. She felt like he could possibly actually care one day if they ever met but that was a huge if.

"Where Raven?" Ana asked as she tried to stay awake.

"He's at work, can you tell your name and once he gets home I can tell him you called?" Corey asked.

"Tell Raven Kitten Red please, he will know," Ana said as she stood then lost consciousness.

(Back at the Blackbourne Toma Mansion)

Corey looked up when he heard Raven's old phone in his nightstand ringing. He frowned in confusion as he walked over to pick it up. Raven never used this phone but he always insisted that it was fully charged at all times. Whenever the guys asked him why he would just say "Just case" and wouldn't elaborate. They knew he had a secret that he wasn't ready to tell but they also knew he would in time and they figured it had to do with that phone. He carried it out to the living room where the rest of the team besides Raven were hanging out. They all looked up in confusion and shock.

Corey picked up the phone and pressed the green button, "Raven Ravenstahl's phone Corey speaking."

"Corey? Raven husband?" A weak woman's voice asked. He snapped up and Victor started typing on his laptop while Kota started recording the phone call. Axel was trying to get ahold of Raven.

"Yes, I am one of Raven's husbands, who is this?" Corey asked not liking how weak the woman sounded.

"Where Raven?" The woman asked even weaker.

"He's at work, can you tell your name and once he gets home I can tell him you called?" Corey asked while Axel shook his head and tried calling again.

"Tell Raven Kitten Red please, he will know," The woman said then there was a crash and the phone went silent.

Corey looked down at the phone then back up at the team, "What the fuck?"

"Raven is on a silent mission, I can't get ahold of him," Axel shook his head. "I left a text and voice mail that he needs to get home immediately after his mission."

"Hopefully he will be done soon so we can know what the fuck is going on," Gabe said as he looked down at the phone. He had a bad feeling about the call.

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