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Ieyoshi's eyes widen, "Kyoya.. senpai?" He shrieks as he didn't expect for the skylark to come for a visit. Espescially ever since Tsuna had been kidnapped, he never showed up, in where Ieyoshi thought he's doing his own research regarding the case.

Nevermind that, Hibari is actually on his window, meaning it's the second floor, and it's dawn. "D-Did something happened, senpai?"

"I've found two herbivores loitering around, searching for you. Bit them to death since they were distrupting the peace." Hibari pointed to two piles of dead- I mean, unconscious boys infront of the gate. "Take care of them."

"Eh- huh-" Before he can reply and as he just went to see the two, Hibari jumped down and disappears. "What?" His eyes went to the two unconscious boys. "Wait- aren't those the ones Mukuro said-" He quickly ran downstairs to see the boys closer.


"What- how?" Tsunayoshi gave a confused look to the other skies, "I don't understand."

Yuni gave a worried glance, "I do not know how they can produce it but.. her body," She looks at the girl who's floating up above, eyes closed. "It has almost the same power as Tri-Ni-Sette."

"Isn't it because of Checker Face?" Byakuran voiced out, "Here, he is already deceased. His flames were forcedfully taken away to awaken her, who knows what did they even do with his body when he died."

"..true.." Yuni bite her lip, "Although I don't like to say this but, Lupo's scientist is.. well, a genius too." She replies.

"But that doesn't explain why the trinisette are willing to go to her?" Tsunayoshi responded back. "Vongola ring was supposed to only accept Vongola's blood line too right?"

"Tri-ni-sette's power defies any law and science." Byakuran pointed out, "If her being itself is as powerful as the trinisette, her herself also defies law and science."

"This is crazy.."

"Your whole life has always been full of craziness, Tsunayoshi-kun."

Tsuna gave a light glare towards Byakuran, "some caused by you." Byakuran lets out a laugh.

"Nevermind that, what are we supposed to do now?"

Properly seeing around, the three.. well four were inside a dome. A dome created by sky flames, sepparating the four skies with their guardians.

There were quite the distance between them all and they can more or less guess they won't be able to talk, unless the three skies walk nearer to the rear.

The guardians outside were trying to break in, however it doesn't show any much things the barrier will break.

"Send her to the past right?"

"But before that we have to get back the trinisette.."

Their eyes looks up to the girl, "She seems.. to be hurting too."

"Bearing those three is no easy feat. Each has their own weights," Yuni trails off, eyes flashing worries.

"Then.. How are we supposed to get them back?"

They share a confused look, "uh-"

The three flinches when they heard a loud crack. "Wha-" Their eyes looks upward, to behind the girl's.

"The world-"

"Is it.. collapsing?!"

The crack widens unto the ground, following the crack's trails, they looked behind the dome's, in where it reached their friends, their guardians.

Dusts dropped from the cracks and as it flutters down like snows, softly dropping into everyone's body and as it reached them, their body exploded, turning into dusts.





Shining brightly as their (real) bearer's emotions were unstable yet showing strong will, the three skies screams.


"Did you did it?" Ieyoshi questioned. "Are they out from the mind control then?"

"Yes." Mukuro replies. "Thank you, for sending them to the hospital."

Ieyoshi blinks, not expecting a thank you. "It's no problem. They were caught by Kyoya-senpai so I was worried of their.. injuries."

"That Kyoya-senpai of yours didn't do much to injure them." Mukuro voiced out, looking at the two lying on the hospital's bed. "These are mostly bruises from.."

Ieyoshi looks at Mukuro who gave an unreadable look, palm gripping the trident he -Chrome- have. "Mukuro..?"

"You should go to your training now, Ieyoshi Sawada. You at your level right now won't be able to defeat the Lupo." Mukuro changes the topic, giving a look to him. "You're probably just barely strong enough to defeat Varia."

The blond tilts his head confusedly, "Varia..? What's that?"

"Kufufu~" Mukuro look at Reborn who's at the other side, "It is your home tutor's job to inform you. I wish you luck then." Mist covered Mukuro before he changed back into Chrome.

"Oof," Ie catches Chrome before she fell down until she balanced herself. He then look towards Reborn. "Reborn?"

"Varia, it's Vongola's independent assassination squad." Reborn told, "The leader is Xanxus, and he is the other candidate to be Vongola Tenth."

Ieyoshi froze, "what?"




Tsuna, with the help of the trinisette's spirits came back to reality. He lets out a gasp, noticing how time stopped. He then cried out when he realise what he (unconsciously) did in order to go to the space-- dream world where his memories were held.

"I'm sorry!" He yelled out as he reached out to his own body, to his other self's soul who was called in order for the world to not shift.

He noticed his eyes opening, pain reflected in it. "I'm sorry that I let you suffer..!" He sobbed out, leaning their forehead together.

"Thanks to you I recovered my memories.. Thank you, and I'm sorry again.." His body's eyes closed again as his body became empty with the other soul returning to where it's supposed to be.

Returning into his own body, he felt regret, anger, pain,- He bite his own lip as time starts ticking and his body's enveloped in sky flames.

"This time, I promise I'll save the world."

An explosion errupted in the lab.


3 December 2021

To know how the other Tsuna is doing, go to agonizare [KHR]!


Varia arc..?

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