Chapter 9. The Royal Apothecary

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                             which thee is a name given...

The very next morning I woke with a very bright idea. I threw back the covers, and kicked my legs over the side of the bed, my toes in search of slippers on the shag rug. I had a small yelling sound from somewhere within the blankets. It was Onyx who I had accidentally trap underneath the covers as I drifted out of bed.

"I'm so sorry onyx! I'll have to be more careful," I said. He scheduled at me and response and slipped out of the room without a word.

Today, I was preparing to open my new shop. I have decided on a life for myself in my new home. I would open an apothecary shop. The name would be "The Royal Apothecary Shoppe". I begin the simple preparation like choosing an inventory, and procuring the necessary ingredients. Once done, I would begin to expand my garden with the essentials needed. I might also need to visit my greenhouse and laboratory back home to retrieve several items I left behind. Then, I will begin creating my remedies and stock shelves.

After that, all that was left to do was to market my grand opening and then open the doors! It seems simple enough.

Yesterday I had seen the watcher but I didn't get his name. Almost as soon as I had seen him he vanished through the treetops again, swinging away on vines and branches. I wasn't sure why, but somehow, I was entirely certainly I would see him again and soon. I left myself as I recall the memory. What a strange fellow.

I grabbed my satchel and cloak off of the coat rack and walked out the door. Last night, I had fallen asleep compiling a list of my most common tinctures and remedies. Most items I had in my new garden but there were still several things I was in need of. Today I was to find the ones I needed in the forest. Tomorrow I would attempt sneaking into my greenhouse and lab back at the palace using the void way.

For now I was in search of several plant medicine ingredients. According to my research, the first few on my list could be found in a place called the Rockwell ruins. They were supposedly not far from my corner of the forest. I only had to follow the rocky cliffs behind my cottage eastward until they ended and I would reach the Rockwell ruins. And among the ruins, I would find Fire Lilies, Brush Thorn Blue, and Magnolia Tails for starters. Possibly more. Once I reached the cliffs and cross the river I went on my way.

Before long I began to feel what was becoming a familiar sensation. My watcher was back, and this time he was certain to remain out of sight. Now that I had successfully drawn him out of hiding once before, I wanted to know why he followed me... Oh yeah, also, who was he? Either way, I knew already that today I would find out. Answers. I loved getting answers. It was one small comfort when compared to all of the giant, looming questions I still had left unanswered at this point. 

As I pressed on deeper into the woods, caught on to momentary glimpses of him here and there in cartoons way. A Misplaced snap of a twig or rustling of leaves. A certain sense of Pineneedles amongst the birds and aspen trees. Brief oddities, or sudden passing changes kept me aware of the fact that I did not travel alone.

The cliffs began to slope downwards and I followed them. It wasn't long before I began to recognize the landscape. I had been here before, only that I had it. This was beginning to look like the place I had dreamt of on my first night in the enchanted forest.

The deeper I ventured into the woods, the birds trees lesser than soon I was among simply aspens and great black rock. The ground was covered in soft mask that the stones and trees Mingling wit and vines as they went. The cliffs soon came to an end and I came upon a rocky clearing. Then, just like the dream, A breeze begin to blow and invoice whispered upon the wind it was calling me further.

And then another thing occurred. From behind a great black rock emerged a boy. It was him, the water, just as I had predicted. He had crawled up the back of the rock and perched himself on top of it so he was perfectly visible and within reach.

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