Part 11 - Stuck in one spot

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At the hospital, Derek just finished his last surgery and began to head to the locker rooms to change. He was exhausted and all he wanted to do was go home to Meredith. He put on his street clothes and grabbed his things. Leaving for the day. As he walked down the hallway, he saw two men walking down the hallway. They looked rugged and mean. Derek sighed as they began to pass, but stopped. 

"Hey, you," One of the men spoke, he had a southern accent and his voice was low "Do you know a Meredith Grey?" 

"No, no I don't," Derek lied, looking the men up and down. Why would he tell them that? They looked dangerous and mean. Besides, he wouldn't want to tell strangers where she was. "You both have a good day," Derek added, giving them a slight nod and walking away. Instead of walking to his car, he walked to the chief's office instead. Knocking on the door before entering. 

"Come in," He spoke, he sounded concentrated on something as Derek walked in. As he walked in, there he sat at his desk, looking at some papers. 

"I-I think Merediths captures are here looking for her," Derek stammered, looking over at Richard before pacing the room. 

"Well, did you call the police?" Richard asked, his voice stern and his face showing worry "Are you even sure that is what's happening?" He added 

"No," Derek responded, "But there are two men downstairs looking for her." 

"Then call them Derek. Call the police."

Derek called the police, telling them every detail he could. The voice one of the men had and the fact that they asked for Meredith. They exchanged a few more words before hanging up. Derek let out a soft sigh as he looked over at Richard. Richard was always a father figure to Meredith. Taking care of her when her mother wasn't around to be one. He was just as worried as everyone else was. 

"T-they said to put the hospital on lockdown so they don't leave," Derek stammered, knowing damn well that he wasn't going home anytime soon. 

At the house, George kept Meredith company. Checking up on here every once in a while and giving her food and water. Meredith didn't move from her spot, curled up in her blankets and worried out of her mind. The fifth time he came in the tired coaxed her out of bed, knowing she most likely won't budge. 

Just as he was about to walk into her room, his phone began to ring. It was Cristina calling. When he answered her voice rang with worry. Which worried George more than he was already worried. Before George answered the phone, he peeked in Meredith's room to check up on her. He wasn't surprised when he saw her in the same spot as the many other time. 

"George, the Hospital is on lockdown. Apparently, the men who took Meredith are looking for her here," Cristina stammered "How is she?" 

"She's not doing so well," George sighed, shaking his head. His plan B was now on pause, he had to think about something else now. 

"Like how bad?"

"She won't eat or drink. She won't even move or talk to me."

"Damn, if I could I'd come over," Cristina muttered, shuffle noises were heard in the background, followed by a few other noises "I-I gotta go. I'll call you later." 

"Wait, I need your help. What's going on?" George rambled before she hung up. He turned to look over at Meredith's door a sigh escaping his lips. George knocked before walking into the room. 

"Come in," Meredith spoke, her voice calm and unnerving. George peered into the room, seeing Meredith slipping on socks and shoes. 

"What's going on Mer?" He asked watching as she got off the bed she had made and looked over at him, her facial expression neutral. 

"I don't know, you tell me." She muttered, brushing off her long sleeve. 

"W-what do you mean?" 

"I heard you talking to Cristina. The hospital is on lockdown." Meredith said as she brushed past him. She didn't look worried or angry, she just walked past him calmly and walked out the door. George followed closely behind. 

"Meredith, where are you going?" 

"Downstairs." She muttered 

"You're not going to the hospital are you?" George stammered, watching as Meredith turned and gave George a little glare. 

"It's on lockdown why would I?" She asked, continuing on to the kitchen "Besides, you probably wouldn't let me. Right?" 

"Right," George spoke, he watched as Meredith got out the stuff to make a peanut butter and jelly. He frowned, wondering why she never excepted the food he made for her. 

"Look's like it's gonna be you and I for a while," Meredith spoke, putting everything together on a plate. 

"Why didn't you eat the food I brought you?" 

"I-I'm sorry I just wasn't hungry or feeling okay. But I'm feeling a little better. Maybe worried about everyone at the hospital. But I-I am feeling a little better." Meredith rambled sitting her food on the island, glancing up at George who looked worried. 

"At least you're feeling better." He sighed walking over to the fridge and grabbing a water bottle. 

"Oh, yea," Meredith muttered, taking a bite into her sandwich. 

George watched her for a few seconds, she didn't seem okay.  The way she was getting ready and the way she got up and went downstairs. Meredith was up to something and he could tell. Just by her body language and the way she was acting. 

Meredith sat at the island and ate her food while George stood there with a worried look on his face. She ignored his worried stares and continued on with what she was doing. After she ate she walked back up to her room and attempted to call Derek. She grew more worried when his phone kept going to voice mail. 

After she waited an hour, waiting for him to call her back or answer any of her texts or calls. She grew restless, knowing that the men were out looking for her and dangerous. She wanted to run to the hospital and risk everything just for the people she loved. That was one thing she wasn't afraid of. Risking her life for the ones she loved. 

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