Part 9 - Memories

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Hi! Here is the next chapter! I hope you all like it. If you have any questions or ideas please let me know! :)

Now on to the chapter. 

Meredith stared at the door for what felt like minutes, but I'm real it was only a second. A calming voice was heard on the other side of the door. Meredith sighed, it was only Cristina. She had nothing to be scared of. She took in a deep breath and swallowed the lump in her throat. 

"Mer, it's Me and Derek. Can we come in?" She asked softly, her voice sounded calm and empathetic.

"Yea!" Meredith responded, her voice sounding shaken up.

"Hey, so I brought you some fresh clothes. There mine but clean, I figured you didn't wanna wear scrubs right now," Cristina spoke as she walked in handing Meredith a pair of sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt "Your boyfriend also brought you a bunch of corny stuff, see." She added pointing over at Derek who had a bag in his hand. His face formed a smile when he saw Meredith.

"That is what boyfriends are supposed to do!" Derek spoke as he closed the door behind him.

"Nothing wrong with corny," Meredith cooed, smiling. 

"Look what he got!" Cristina mocked as Derek handed Meredith the little plastic bag "at least it's in a bag."

"Cristina." Meredith chuckled, looking over at Derek, who looked like he couldn't care less about what she was saying.

Meredith looked into the bag that contained all sorts of stuff. The first thing was beautiful flowers, then she saw a small bag of candy along with a small bear that had a heart on his chest. It said "Thinking of you.". On the inside, Meredith was cringing a little bit, but she was great full to have such a thoughtful guy by her side.

"See I told you she doesn't like corny stuff!"

"No, I like it!" Meredith spoke up, looking between Cristina and Derek. 

"See," Derek gloated

"Look I'm grateful that you guys are here, but I wanna go home. This day sucks." Meredith muttered looking between the two. 

"I'll take you home, okay?" Derek told her, almost beginning to run his fingers through her hair. But something stopped him, telling him to stop. He didn't want to startle her. 

"I think I can go home on my own, you have surgeries."

"Nelson's doing them, I want to be with you Meredith." 

"I don't think you should be alone Mer, not after what happened today." Cristina cut in, her arms folded across her chest 

Meredith nodded, agreeing to go home with Derek. She didn't mind being coddled, she used to hate it. But then Derek came along and everything had seemed to change. After having a short conversation Derek took Meredith home. He helped her in the door and got her comfortable in the living room. As soon as they stepped into the house, she realized that they had never called the police. What made them not do that? 

"Derek?" Meredith asked as he began to disappear into the kitchen, he responded and peaked his head into the room. 

"What's wrong?" He asked 

"We didn't call the police!" 

"I did, it's okay. You reminded me actually, I needed to call them when we got home." He muttered the last part, taking out his phone and sitting next to Meredith calling the number he was supposed to call. 

Derek quickly called the number, letting them know what was going on and where they had lived. He had been told that there would be a police officer outside of their house every once in a while. In the meantime, they would do investigations to figure out where the men went and what was going on. 

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