Part Nineteen - Back Again

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Hiiii, I am not sure what happened to the chapter, but it had way more words. The one I had published had 400 maybe. But the one I typed was at least 1000. So here is the real chapter for you all!! I write on my phone and computer so I'm assuming something happened. 

Derek was back in Meredith's room and by her side, once again waiting for her to wake up. It had been at least an hour since he'd talked to the officers. Derek wasn't sure how long it had been, to him it seemed that time was moving slowly. Of course, it felt that way, he was waiting for his
Girlfriend to wake up.

A soft knock had broken his concentration from the book he was reading. Trying to distract himself from the fact Meredith wasn't awake yet. It was Owen Hunt who knocked, he was standing at the doorway with one of the officers who had talked to him earlier. They both looked serious as he glanced up at them.

"Assuming you two met," Owen spoke after clearing his throat. "Officer Grubb will be standing outside her room making sure no one enters, besides one of us." He told him. Meaning no one besides Meredith's friends and family. The ones close to her were her doctors and nurses. All Derek did was nod and give the officer a soft smile. He appreciated it, but he wanted everything to be done with. No worrying or stress.

Derek went back to his book before his mind began to race again. What if there's something worse going on? What if she's hurting? All this what-ifs. The two had left the room, the officer standing where he could see him, Owen leaving to do his chief duties. The door was left open, he could hear voices and various sounds coming from all around. So this is what it feels like to be a patient's loved one. Worry, stress, and even a little boredom. Sitting there, not wanting to leave their side. Ever. He understood it even more now.
Familiar voices were heard from down the hospital hallway that caught his attention. They each talked to the police officer upfront before coming in. He looked up, prepared to see their faces. Their worried, and scared faces. There were three of them, all piling into the room one by one. George, Izzie, and Alex. They were all dressed up in their scrubs. It looked like they just got there for the day. 

"Meredith has a bodyguard now?" Alex spoke, as they walked in. 

"That's a good thing," Izzie told him, looking over at Derek. Giving him her best smile. 

"He looks scary enough," George added "Nice guy though." 

"How is she doing?" Alex asked as he sat down in one of the chairs in the room. All Derek could do was shake his head. He didn't want to think about that right now, he didn't want to worry that she wouldn't wake up. 

"She'll wake up, she has to," George muttered, He glanced around the room at the others. He had faith, and Meredith was strong. 

"Looks like we have to go," Alex sighed looking up at Derek as everyone's pagers went off. They each got up and rushed out of the room George being the last one out. He turned to face Derek, leaning on the frame.

"Page me if she wakes up okay?" He asked he gave him a soft smile before turning in the opposite direction. He could tell that they all wanted to be there, that they didn't want to leave her side. 

Derek relaxed in his chair, grabbed his book, and began to read. The room was silent but you could hear the sounds of the hospital outside of the room. All sorts of beeps, some chatter, and people shuffling around. Time stopped for him when he saw her move. It was her hand, it looked like she was trying to grab something. But she wasn't awake just yet. 

"Mer?" He whispered, gently not wanting to startle her. She flinched but didn't open her eyes. It confused him, it looked like she was struggling almost. Like she was having a bad dream. "Meredith, it's okay you're safe now." 

"No," He heard her mumble under her breath. It was faint, but he heard it. It startled him, making him worried. 

"Hey," He spoke, getting closer to the bed. He gently took her hand in his. Then she pulled her hand back and stopped moving. She was still. "Are you having a bad dream?" 

"Huh?" She muttered, this time she was opening her eyes a little. She was squinting at first and she slowly opened them. Her eyes adjust to the hospital lights. When they were open she looked around the room, curiously. 

"You scared me for a second," Derek sighed, slowly reaching his hand out for her to hold. 

"What happened, how did I get here?" She questioned, her eyebrows were formed into a frown. When she noticed his hand, she grabbed it and held onto it. 

"You don't remember?" He asked, "You were brought back by one of the men and you were left in the ER."

"No, I don't remember that. The last I remember-" She paused when she noticed the man outside her room, leaning against the glass. It frightened her. "How is he?" 

"He is a police officer, he is here to protect you."

"So, the men haven't been caught yet?" 

"They haven't." He told her, stumbling on his words he didn't want to startle her, but he wanted to tell her the truth. 

"Derek," She whispered under her breath "What if he is one of them?" Her voice was as quiet as possible.

"No, Owen did a background check," 

"That doesn't mean anything, these guys are smart Derek," 

Footsteps caught their attention, the sound of boots hitting the ground. It was the police officer. He had a soft look on his face and his hands were at his sides. Meredith didn't recognize him, but she could tell that he was a very put-together officer. He looked kind but stern. He looked like he could take down someone in a heartbeat. 

"I can assure you that I am not a kidnapper," The officer spoke and stepped more into the room "My name is Officer Grubb." 

"How did you hear me?" Meredith asked, astonished by his hearing capabilities. 

"Training," He answered, He turned to Derek and gave him a soft smile "Shouldn't you be paging her friends?" 

"Right, yes. Thank you for reminding me," Derek muttered, letting go of Meredith's hand as he got up. 

"Wait, no. Don't go. I-I don't want to be alone!" She yelped, trying to grab him before he got too far. He could see the fear in her eyes, She was terrified. It hurt him to see her scared, so he sat back down and took her hand in his. Gently caressing her palm.

"It's okay, you're safe," He reassured her "Can I go have a nurse page them?" 

"I'm scared," She muttered under her breath. At this point the officer was gone, he already had gone back to his spot, watching the hallways. 

"I will go ask the officer to, that way I won't be far away," He spoke, getting up from the chair. 

Meredith watched as he peaked his head out the doorway and asked. She could see him nod and even say a few words. Then with that Derek turned around and came back closing the door behind him. He smiled and sat back down. She could tell that he was happy to see her awake. He was all giddy. She could also see the worry behind those blue eyes, he was trying to be strong. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, after sitting down. All she did was nod, but there was no emotion behind it. Except for fear. He reached his hand out again, letting her go at her own pace. She grabbed it again and held it tight. 

"I'm just scared." 

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