First day of new class

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"Love is a curse, gifted by god that
injures a person and a person could also die from it but at times this love can healand can give new life new life to anyone.
In a situation of love, when we want to forget someone ere long, instead we
remember them all lifelong; in this
situation even blind have long-
Love don’t have any shape and what we make and think is the shape of heart, the stimulus of love and the result of love are fast heartbeat, uneven sweat and high blood pressure. But strange thing is that there is no medical treatment for this love named disease.”

A boy closed his diary and keeps it inside the cupboard. His face shines with sunlight coming inside the room from his transparent glass window. The five feet seven inches boy with shiny blue eyes and black hairs opens the door and feel the fresh air blowing from outside after opening the window.

He was enjoying the moment but
suddenly a voice came “Get down dear, you are really getting late for your school.”

Lucifer politely said, “Just coming mom.”

He strip up his bag and moved downstairs while hanging it. He moved outside the house and get into the car. His mother, at the driving seat asked him whether he had put his jacket aside. He answered affirmatively, yes.

Looking outside the window he started looking outside the surrounding, environment and diferent kind of people in the road. So the type of people he saw that some people were going in search of jobs, some were going to do their jobs, some were students like him and rest
were only time pass.

Soon while looking the sights of the
busiest part of the city, his eyes caught his school building, as always a new
session, new classes, new faces for both students and new teacher and some very few changes held at school. He put one leg outside the car and slowly he completely moved out the car. He slowly moved inside the school gate saying his mom “Have a good day”.

He walked inside the school gate and
asked the nearest school servant, “Sir, may you please tell me where 11th
mathematics classes are going.”

“Its third room from next right way” he replied.
“Thank you, sir”

Lucifer moved forward and reached his destination just after a couple of minutes.

He found a seat and sits upon it. He
pulled out his bag, then after few seconds a teacher entered the class and started taking out his book and register.
The teacher started giving his introduction, “So, good morning class, my name is Mr. Lorice and I am your new physics teacher.”

Mr. Lorice was just continuing for classes but a soft voice stopped him to go further, “May I get in sir.” A girl of
approximately five feet and four inches stands at the door way of classroom, bright face, and a bit brown hairs.

Mr. Lorice made a look, “Come in dear, have a seat” he said, “Lucifer be a bit aside let her be sited at her seat.” Lucifer shifted a bit aside and the girl sat nearby him.

She was sitting in the place where some students do not make good marks but Lucifer was not included in these absurd activities of those students and because of Lucifer they were also not disturbing that girl as they have fear of Lucifer.
These students also don’t have any kind of concern with Lucifer.

When the girl sitting near the Lucifer
takes out the book then Lucifer observed the name written at the first page of book.

“Christine… Zor…” Lucifer murmured as he tried to pronounce her name.

“Christine Zorhis, that’s my elder sister’s name, who lend me this book” the girl told Lucifer.

In a satisfed way Lucifer asked again, “So, what’s your name?”

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