Day 5

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August 1, 2021
7:00 AM

My eyes shot open as the sound of my alarm had wakened me from another one of my nightmares. I pushed myself up on my bed letting out deep breathes trying to get myself out this state of hysteria. My body drenched in sweat and my mind still foggy from my extreme awakening.

After a few more minutes of deep breathing I force myself up out of bed. Mentally reminding myself we're going ATV riding today as I'm walking into my bathroom. Once inside I continually splashing cold water on my face to help snap myself back into reality. It was only 7 am so I should get some more sleep. I turned my alarm on for 12 and snuggled back into my bed. Making sure to take two of my prescribed pills to avoid another nightmare. Soon enough I was back asleep.

The sound of my alarm awakens me once more. Pressing stop on the alarm I hop of bed and straight into the bathroom. My normal routine was done and I was dressed and out the door. Opening my phone, tapped Sami contact and clicked facetime audio.

"hello" her voiced rung through my phone paying attention to her background I could tell she was driving.

"Hey, are you going straight there?" I asked referring to the event. "No, can you meet at Chas house"

"uh yeah, send my the address" After we hung up I typed the address into my GPS and made my way to his house.

"You have arrived at your destination" It said as I pulled into the familiar house. Turning the ignition off and exiting my car and locking the doors. Knocked on the door and after a minute it opened. Jade was standing at the door with anger plastered all over her face. She stared at me for a bit before stepping aside letting me in. We both walked into the living room where everybody was.

Sami motioned for me to come over once she saw me. She started whispering to me soon as I sat beside her.

"So tell me why Temp just cussed Jade the fuck out"

"Why?" I whispered back. "She was pressing him about him acting like they wasn't together" she shook her head "So he was like "we ain't fucking together and keep getting loud with me i'll really put you out"

After laughing a little she finished telling me the story "And she was like you gone put me out? really? really?" I nodded my head following along. "She was getting louder and louder and thats when he really got mad"

"He stood up and was like hovering over her and was like "tf i told you to do" and guess what she did"

"shut her ass right up" She said causing us to bust out laughing. My eyes shot up and everybody was looking but went right back to their conversation just as fast.

"y'all momma ain't never taught y'all its rude to whisper" Jade said annoyed. Now everybody attention was back on us.

"talia don't even" Sami tapped me like she read my mind.

"Don't what? she grown let her talk" Jade egged on. "You doing too much we can whisper we grown" I rolled my eyes.

"No it's childish if y'all got something to say, say it" At this point she was making me mad. "But why? we wasn't talking about anything that gots to do with anyone in here" Sami said. "Your being self conscious" she added.

"No, im being real y'all childish with the whispering"

"Jade stop" Shanti shook her head. "No cause bitches stay trying to be funny"

"firstly who a bitch? not me nor sami" she now crossed the line. "And i don't fucking know you enough to "stay being funny" so shut that shit down"

"Bitch please" She scoffed. I could tell everybody was eating up the drama and she wasn't gone get a reaction out of me.

"please calm down and act your age" chuckling at her.

"Who the fuck you think you is? Bitch don't play with me"

"You got one more time to call me a bitch"

"tf you gone do bitch" she made sure she emphasized the word. "You mad huh? you mad you round here looking stupid? Your embarrassing yourself, You putting on a show for what? you not getting cool points. So whats the point? you doing all this for some attention when you know you not really built like that, so please save some face, calm down, and stfu" I said calmly. I knew if she see how calm I am it would make her feel like she crazy and that's exactly what i wanted.

"And thats how you read a bitch" Sami smirked swiping her hand under her chin.

Jade got up and stormed off Shanti following after her.

"she'll get over it" Mauri said

"Can we leave though" Code asked. "I was thinking the same thing" I agreed. Once everybody loaded up into the cars we made our way to the place.

They assigned us all a four wheeler cause that's what we wanted. We followed the instructor to this big ass course. Everybody immediately starting riding around. I was honestly enjoying myself. The event ended and everybody loaded back up.

As i'm driving I notice my tank a little low. There was a gas station a mile ahead so I pulled in there.

"y'all want something out here?" I asked everybody in the car. Which was just Code and Dae.

"Dill pickle lays and a snapple any kind" Dae looked up from his phone and told me. "Doritos, a hot pickle, mumbas, and a mango arizona" Code said leaning on my arm rest.

They both reached in they pocket at the same time.

"I got it"

"preciate it" they said in sync. "Anything for my sons" I laughed getting out the car.

After putting the last item Code wanted on the counter the clerk begin ringing me up.

"50 on pump...4, thank you". Once he finished and bagged everything. I paid with my card and left the store. My body stopped walking as my shoulder jerked back. Walking looking at my damn phone and shoved somebody. Let's apologize so they won't get offended

"Im sorry i wasn't paying attention" I apologized l turning looking at the person. Oh he's cute i thought to myself. He was the same height as me, lightskin, tatted, waves, and a long wavy beard that was clean and cut, he was bulky with broad shoulders, and some pretty eyes. Definitely a pretty boy and those be the worst players.

"nah that was my fault looking at this damn phone" He laughed.

"Same here"

"You don't look familiar you from around here?" He walked up to me.

"Nope, I live in Phoenix just cane here for ATV riding" He was sparking up a conversation with me already know how that goes.

"Oh you a Phoenix girl"

"What you mean by that sir" I laughed.

"Nothing bad chill" he smiled showcasing his bottom gold grill and his pretty white top teeth.

A car honked twice and I turned around seeing Code hanging out the window mugging.

"Im coming dummy" I yelled.

"Let me get you back to your friends"

"You have a good day.... i didn't get your name" My little name trick worked every time.

"Mike and yours?" He responded


"It was nice meeting you Talia maybe we can meet up some other time?" He rubbed his stomach under his shirt. Loved when men do that.

"I would like that" I held my hand out for his phone and gave me it, Put my number in, and walked backed to my car.

It was hours later and I was home. After the gas station I dropped the twins off, went out to eat with sami and my babies, Came home, got ready for bed and now I'm going to sleep.

Don't really feel this part because I did it late but it's alright.. ignore any mistakes

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