Day 2

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July 29, 2021
4:00 pm

                  Atalia Bianka Cora

"abc where are you?" I hear my uncle voice faintly. Im in my childhood bedroom I look to the left of me at the full body mirror just beside my bed and I'm six year old me again. My heart beat speeds up and I start to panic.

"c'mon abc make uncle happy" I hear him say sounding like he was getting closer to my room. He kept repeating the nickname he gave me and his footsteps got louder and louder until it became quiet. I lean up from my position to look at the door. I see a shadow under it and just as I'm about to run somewhere anywhere but here, the door busts open.

My uncle is standing at my door with a sickening look on his face. I lay down and throw the cover over my head. It gets extremely dark and i start to feel like i'm falling. I look around and I am falling into a bunch a blackness. Then I see my sister she's falling towards me. Her hand reaching for me I hold out my hand to grasp her but she disappears and I fall into something. I look around and i'm in my uncle's arms. I try to fight at him to let me down but it feels like i'm moving in slow motion.

I'm screaming "no, stop, no" over and over but it's like no words are coming out. Then I hear my momma's voice "wake up baby, your dreaming, its time to get up now"

My eyes shoot open and I lean up fast sweating and panting. I look around not recognizing where I am. I see Sami, Temp, Code, Dae, and Chas standing around me looking at me with concern.

"Are you good" Sami ask me sitting down in-front me "you was screaming so we came up here" She reaches out and grabs my shoulder.

"I always get nightmares after I get drunk" I say softly putting my head into my knees thinking it will help with my headache and embarrassment.

"scared the shit out of me" I hear code jokingly say.

"what was you dreaming about" Dae asks me.

I lift my head from knees and start rubbing my stomach. "I forgot it" I lied. "Im hungry yall got something to eat here" I asked changing the subject.

"Better make you some noodles" Chas answers me as he walks out the room so did Code and Dae. Leaving Sami and Temp. "You wanna make me some noodles" I make a pouty face at Sami. "I would my love but I got to pick up Gigi and Vincent from they grandparents" She says. I look at Temp who makes a face that tells me not to ask him.

Sami walks out the room and Temp follows. I finally get up and connect my thoughts before going downstairs. I don't know who house i'm at but its nice. The decor gives me industry with a mix of modern. I walk into the living room and nobody is in there so I start to look around. After opening a couple doors that led me to either empty bedrooms or bathrooms I crack open another door thats take me to a den. I hear voices so I know they're in here.

I open the door wider and walk in. I see Temp and them and a couple other boys and like 3 girls. Some of them are playing 2k on this big ass Tv while the rest of them are sitting on the couch either talking or smoking. I stand around looking trying to remember what I came in her for.

"Sami friend what you need?" I hear a deep voice call out to me. I turn the direction of the voice and see Temp with some girl sitting on his lap. "You know my name" I scrunched up my face. "My bad, pink taser what you need" He said with a blank face. I hear the Twins laugh and I turn to them giving them a look which makes them stop.

"I need somebody to take me home" I turn my attention back to Temp. He stays quiet for a little bit still looking at me. I cross my arms giving him a hurry up look.

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