Part 24

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I exit the bathroom and stretch my arms over my head, feeling my body relax. We're getting ready for bed, but honestly, sleep is the last thing on my mind. I watch Kai as they enter the bedroom, removing the belt of their pants and rolling it into a perfect circle, and all sorts of dirty thoughts enter my mind.

So I walk up to them and pull them into a kiss, hearing the belt drop to the ground at that. Kai's hands move to pull me closer and I stand on my tiptoes to further eliminate the space between our bodies. The kiss deepens and I sigh into it, feeling my body become more and more awake.

Kai pulls away gently, probably to keep this from going any further, but I have different plans for the night so I lean in towards them again. "Don't stop," I say in a breathless whisper and I can see a single moment of hesitation in their movements, but then they kiss me again, making my head spin.

Their arms move to my waist and I let out a small yelp as they toss me on the bed. I'm so surprised for a moment that my mouth drops, but Kai moves quickly, climbing on top of me and the pure sight of that makes me shiver in excitement. Their lips conquer mine once again and I try to focus my fingers on unbuttoning their shirt. My hands are shaking from the adrenaline, but I finally manage to get them open, realizing then that Kai is wearing absolutely nothing under it.

Good lord, is that always the case? And how have I not noticed it before? This turns me on even more and I pull them closer hungrily. But Kai grabs my wrists and pins my arms above my head, pulling further away. I can see something new in their eyes. That greedy and hungry gaze that slides down my body, almost as if saying that I belong to them. This is very different from the usual Kai who treats me like I'm made of glass and I absolutely love this other side of them.

My stomach tightens as I feel their fingers graze the bare skin peeking out from under my shirt. Their hand moves under it so slowly that it's almost intolerable so I try to writhe my body towards it. As soon as I do, they stop their hand and I groan in frustration, earning a playful smirk from Kai. I am this close to begging, but luckily they do have mercy and they lean down again, kissing me breathless.

They pull me up to a seating position for just a moment, pulling away from my lips to yank my shirt over my head. I don't waste any time, kissing them as soon as the fabric is tossed aside and fall back on the bed, Kai following closely behind. I manage to touch them once before my hands end up above my head again. The absolute lack of control is very unusual for me and at the same time incredibly hot. Who would've thought that the caring and sweet Kai is this dominant in bed.

I feel their hand on my skin again, moving to my back. My bra unclasps with ease and their hand is free to roam forward. I've never thought my breasts to be the most sensitive parts of my body, but Kai's touch is making me feel something new.

And then, without warning, their hand slides quickly in the other direction, getting past the waistband of my sweatpants with ease. I moan into the kiss as Kai finds the sweet spot and try to pull them closer, but my hands are still pinned. I can only arch my back to try and move closer myself, but they keep teasing me and pulling away whenever I do.

This is torture, but it's the sweetest kind and I feel myself unravel at their touch. Kai is kissing my neck now, nicking it lightly with their teeth, which causes lightning bolts to strike through my whole body. I moan again, louder this time, as their fingers move expertly in my pants. And when I say expertly, I really mean it.

But it's still surprising to me when I feel myself being pushed over the edge, the pleasure too much to handle. My core tightens and I hold my breath out of instinct, releasing it into a moan as I reach an orgasm.

I feel a bit like a teenager who can only last two minutes in bed and Kai also looks pretty amused at that, leaning in to kiss me again. Gentler this time, because they are well aware of the fact that I can't seem to catch my breath. They've let go of my arms again, but I don't even feel like moving them right now.

"That was.." I start, not even knowing what word to say to finish my thought off. Kai laughs gently and pushes the shirt, that I never got around to, off of their shoulders.

"Round one," they finish my sentence.


Last night was amazing. I mean, sex is obviously great in general, but with Kai it's just.. different. I feel like they know my body better than I do. Not to mention the stamina..

So why do I wake with tears in my eyes? My stupid brain, that's why. It's light outside and I look around the room, finding myself alone in bed, as is usual for us. I think back on my dream, remembering how I'd started drinking again in it and how Kai left me because of it. The worst part is that I can actually remember the taste of alcohol and for a moment it's all I can think about.

I sit up on the bed, pushing the covers off of me and try to focus on my surroundings instead. Soft music is playing in the kitchen and I can hear Kai giving Fiddle commands for tricks. Which means that the good boy is about to get a bite of whatever Kai's cooking.

The familiar sounds make me smile and push the awful dream far enough into the back of my mind that I feel ready to get out of bed. I don't bother making it, because I'm for sure having a nap in it today anyway. We probably only got around three hours of sleep.

I pull open my drawer and then get a different idea, closing it instead and pulling another one open. Looking around, I find one of Kai's shirts that feels soft and comfy and I put that on instead. Since I am a midget, it acts as a mini dress on me so I opt against pants, just settling for underwear.

Fiddle comes to greet me as soon as I reach the kitchen, followed by Kai, who seems to be in an even better mood than usual. "You're up early today," they say before giving me a kiss. I smile at that, finally feeling like I can relax from that horrible dream. Kai pulls away too quickly for my liking, probably to get back to cooking, but I don't let them, wrapping my arms around their waist and resting my head on their chest.

Kai chuckles at that, hugging me tightly to them and giving me a kiss on the top of my head. "You okay? How's your head?" they sound worried now and I realize that it doesn't actually hurt at all today. "I'm great. Just missed you in bed," I say, enjoying the closeness and allowing everything else to melt away.

"Well, I was supposed to bring you breakfast in there, but you woke up too early," Kai says as an excuse for leaving my side and the thoughtfulness of that makes me smile wider.

"We can always climb back into bed after eating.." I say with a clever smirk, letting go of Kai now. They laugh at that, giving me another quick kiss before returning to the stove. Luckily nothing smells like burning so I don't have to feel guilty for being too needy.

"The nurses actually said to keep away from physical activity for a while," Kai says, sounding guilty now and I roll my eyes. They stir the scrambled eggs a bit more and turn the heat off on the stove.

"Well, doctors do make the worst patients," I smile, not feeling an ounce of guilt or remorse. If anything, my head feels better after last night so that just proves my point.

"Yes, it's to counteract being amazing at everything else," Kai nods and winks at me. I don't have a chance to answer because there's a sudden knock on the door and from the look on Kai's face, I can tell that they're not expecting anyone.

Fiddle is the first to react, getting up to go and politely sit by the door, prepared to greet anyone that's behind it. Honestly, he would make the worst guard dog. Kai follows and opens the door, but from where I'm standing, I can't see who's behind it.

Then I hear my name being said and that peaks my interest so I walk towards it. For a moment I think that Meredith got this address and came to see me. But when Kai steps aside, I come face to face with Link and Scout and my mind goes absolutely blank.

Love Me Tender (A Kaimelia - Kai Bartley/Amelia Shepherd - fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now