Part 5

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The days are flying by in double speed and I soon find myself back at Grey Sloan, trying to get caught up with all my patients. Luckily Webber's program has been working wonders and the residents are more reliable now so I'm not too worried about anyone's progress.

I also got some decent sleep this time around so I'm in a pretty good mood, humming to myself as I walk up to the OR schedule. I have one surgery scheduled later in the afternoon and no consults to run to currently so now is as good a time as any to grab some lunch and catch up on the latest in Minnesota.

Kai and I have switched over to texting now and so I grab my phone and send them a quick message while heading towards the cafeteria.

There's no response by the time I get there and I try to push the disappointment to the back of my mind for now. I can't be this into them, it's too much too fast.

Scanning the room, I spot Maggie and Winston sitting and having lunch together. I wonder if it'd be rude to join. They're still in that honeymoon phase, even though the wedding was months ago. Some part of me feels envious of that, though I still can't imagine that life for me.

I got a taste of it with Meredith being in the hospital and I nearly started using again. I guess a part of me is just craving that special human connection that seems to come so easily to others.

I grab a tray with a sigh and check my phone screen again. Still nothing. They're probably focused on work, but some small part of me wonders if that's maybe not the case. We have talked a lot and although it seems mutually flirty, I still can't know for certain that they're actually into me.

Kai is a charismatic and confident person so maybe that's just how they are with people.

My gaze falls back on Maggie and Winston who are sharing a kiss now before Winston walks away. Maybe Kai is doing the same with someone right now.

Okay, I need to get myself together.

I've moved up in line enough to see the daily specials and order a chicken salad and a chocolate muffin. Never hurts to drown your emotions in sugar.

Balancing the tray in one hand, I walk over to Maggie, who is luckily not quite done with her food, and pull a chair away from the table.

"Hey, lovebird," I say teasingly, watching how she smiles blissfully. Ugh, happy people.

"Well hello to you too," Maggie smirks. "I feel like I never see you anymore now that you're busy with your fancy research."

I feel a pang of guilt and smile apologetically. I truly haven't spent any quality time with my sisters lately. But it's only partly my fault.

"Well it's good then that you have your husband to keep you busy as well," I say in response and take a bite of my salad.

"You could've had one as well, you know.." she says, looking away to avoid my reaction. I'm almost tempted to stick my tongue out at her but that wouldn't be very adult of me, now would it.

"I don't know why none of you believe me when I say that I really, truly, honestly don't want to be married to someone," I sigh eventually and shove another two bites into my mouth, the movement a bit angrier than intended.

"Well you have been married before-" Maggie starts before I cut her off.

"And look how well that went." I roll my eyes at her and already start to regret sitting here. I know Maggie means well, they all do. But she's seeing everything from her point of view only. And from there, marriage is probably looking pretty great.

My phone pings finally and a smile breaks through all other emotions as I fish my phone out of my pocket.

The worst disaster imaginable just happened.

My mind goes blank for a moment, trying to guess what they're talking about. Something about the research? Or maybe Dr. Hamilton?

"Is something wrong?" Maggie asks, eyeing me suspiciously.

Before I can respond to either her or Kai, another text comes through.

I finally spilled a cup of coffee on my notes. Told you it would happen eventually. Didn't think I was going to be the klutz though.

I exhale a breath I wasn't aware I was even holding in and chuckle as I imagine a desk soaked in dark brown liquid.

Serves you right for scaring me like that. Were you trying to give me a heart attack or are you just naturally bad at delivering news like this?

"Okay, why are you smiling at your phone like that?" Maggie's voice cuts in right as I'm about to hit 'send'.


"Oh, it's just Dr. Bartley updating me on the work there." I try to sound casual about it, but from the look on Maggie's face I can tell that it's not working. With a sigh, I finally press send and put my phone down, preparing myself for the questions about to come my way.

She looks at me for a few moments, not even averting her eyes when my phone beeps again. I challenge her gaze defiantly, ignoring my phone too, even though I'm very curious to find out what it says.

Then, in a quick move, Maggie grabs the device and 'a-haa's victoriously as if she's just discovered something big. Which makes me wonder even more about Kai's text.

"Give it.." I say, trying to reach for my phone but Maggie just moves it further away and oh my lord, now she's unlocking it. "How do you even know my password?"

But she's already scrolling through the texts and paying no attention to me.

"Mhmm.. mhmm.. hmm.." Her reactions are just random hums and I feel myself wanting to disappear under the table and maybe even through the floor. Just have earth swallow me. That would be nice right about now.

Kai is probably wondering why I'm not responding too. Or they just don't care and I'm being an idiot about this whole thing. Still, I want my freaking phone back!

"Maggie, stop it, really," I attempt again and this time she actually turns to look at me, a clever smirk on her lips.

"You're totally into her!" she exclaims, her voice a bit too loud for my comfort so I shush her quickly.

Maggie finally hands me my phone back and I sigh, scrolling back down to the latest messages. "Them," I correct her absentmindedly, finally getting to read Kai's response.

Nothing like a bit of tachycardia to wake your senses. Totally on purpose, of course. I'm naturally bad at very few things.

"Huh?" Maggie questions my response, not understanding what I'm getting at. She rolls her eyes when I take too long to answer, typing a response to Kai instead.

Name one.

"Uhmm.." I put my phone back down and try to focus on the conversation at hand. "They use they/them pronouns. So.. into them," I explain and feel my cheeks flush then, realizing what I've just admitted to. If I didn't know any better, I'd say this was a clever trap on Maggie's part.

"A-haa!" she exclaims once again, pointing a finger at me. "So I'm right and there is something going on there. Ooh, do tell! Does Meredith know? Does Link know?!" Maggie bombards me with questions.

"No, no one knows. I don't even know what's going on with Ka- Dr. Bartley," I correct myself quickly. Using their name out loud still feels too personal. "Or if anything really is going on," I add with a sigh.

My phone beeps again and I glance at the screen, barely stopping myself from saying 'what the fuck' out loud.

Flirting, it would seem.

From across me, Maggie is looking at the message as well and smiles victoriously. "You were saying..?"

Love Me Tender (A Kaimelia - Kai Bartley/Amelia Shepherd - fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now